Chapter 14 - Severus's Birthday Part I

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Dumbledore finished translating the potion formula quickly.

Dumbledore then promptly presented the translated formula to Severus.

When Severus was taken aback by the needed ingredients, Dumbledore was very reassuring that he would use the upcoming Order meeting to gather the necessary materials.

Two days after the Order's meeting, Severus was still waiting to hear from Dumbledore and he sat at his desk, reading over the formula with his black eyes narrowed to slits.

Two handfuls melted gold, boiling hot

Eighteen crushed sapphires, blue as sky and dark as night

Handful of opals, pulverized

Eighteen rubies, rich as satin and red as blood

Three emeralds, untouched

Handful of love, pure love, no substitute

Brew for three months.

Severus had read over the extraordinary formula at least twenty times.

He squinted in thought.

Severus found it to be little more than a page of riddles!

What was a "handful of love", exactly?

Surely that wasn't a serious ingredient?

Three months to brew?

How was—

Knock, knock, knock!

Severus started violently when a loud banging noise came suddenly from outside his office door.

"Come in." Severus called, folding the formula quickly and shoving it under a book.

The door opened and Severus looked up to see Dumbledore.

"Headmaster." Severus greeted, nodding at Dumbledore.

"Severus." Dumbledore replied, stepping inside Severus's office as he closed the door behind himself. "I see you're studying your next task."

Severus remained silent, but he nodded again.

"As I'm sure you've realized, there's quite a bit of wealth needed to pull this off." Dumbledore added.

".........Indeed." Severus replied slowly.

"Well, at the meeting, James Potter kindly offered to supply most of the ingredients, on one condition........" Dumbledore explained.

Severus visibly tensed, feeling the muscles in his neck lock down as he grit his teeth in rage and contempt.


Oh dear.

What did Potter want?

There was no way that Severus was going to hand Lily over to his arch nemesis.


It wasn't going to happen, not to help the Order, not to-

"He requested a meeting with you, Severus." Dumbledore said plainly.

Severus blinked.

".......Potter wants to meet with me?" Severus asked incredulously.

"It appears so." Dumbledore replied with a shrug. "I know that you two detest each other, but I've come to implore you to accept his invitation. Without this potion, Severus, we may never see the locket of Slytherin again, let alone have a chance at destroying it. Please do search your heart carefully. If meeting with James Potter could help secure Lily Evans' safety, isn't it worth it?"

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