Chapter 10 - Girls in Green Dresses

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By the middle of December, the first half of Hogwarts's academic year was finished.

Severus's work on his various assignments was coming along well.

But the war was not.

At the end of the last day of class, Severus stood in Dumbledore's office, giving his weekly report.

"........So where is the locket now?" Dumbledore asked Severus.

"With the dark lord, sir." Severus nodded. "I am aware that he plans to place the locket in a sea cave with some sort of guardian.......What or whom that guardian will be, I do not currently know."

Dumbledore shook his head. "This is grave news indeed.......Tom is one of the first known wizards to create a horcrux since Herpo the Foul...Such an act is barely comprehensible....."

"......I'm afraid that's not all, sir." Severus continued.

Dumbledore looked at Severus and paused for a moment.

When Severus failed to speak, Dumbledore urged him, ".....Well? Go on."

"There are at least two others.........possibly more." Severus stated very matter-of-factly.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at Severus in shock. "Two other horcruxes? Possibly more?!"

"That is correct, sir." Severus replied.

Dumbledore looked away from Severus and gazed off into space.

"To create a horcrux is practically unheard of, but to create many......" Dumbledore's voice trailed off.

Severus remained silent.

"The locket is with Tom....alright.....Do you know any other information about the horcruxes? Anything at all?" Dumbledore asked Severus.

"About the others? No." Severus replied. "About the locket? Perhaps I shall in time."

Dumbledore smiled down at his spy. "Excellent work, Severus. Believe me....." Dumbledore said seriously as he leaned forward to speak, "As long as these objects exist........any action, every action we take.....will all be in vain."

"Of course." Severus nodded very solemnly.

Severus had been thinking the same thing, but hearing Dumbledore himself affirm that opinion somehow made the matter at hand even more concerning.


Later that evening, while he sat in his chambers, Severus received a small, anonymous note which he immediately knew came from Lily as he recognized her handwriting.


Is there any way you could come visit for Christmas? Would really like it, but I understand if not.

Severus put his quill to the paper and Lily's ink vanished, then he quickly penned his own reply.

I'd be delighted.

Severus quickly sent the cryptic note back with an owl and he thought for a moment while the candlelight flickered in front of him on the chilly, winter night.

Severus's black eyes wandered over to his invisibility cloak, which sat folded on a chair.

To spend the holiday with Lily and her family.

What a gift that was!

Severus was the son of a mean, alcoholic father and a timid mother who was prone to long bouts of depression and melancholia.

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