Chapter 18 - New Additions

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Usually, Professor Snape could be found either in his dungeon classroom or in his office.

However, that had changed and Professor Snape was no longer one to linger.

If class wasn't in session and his required office hours weren't being held, then Professor Snape was at home with his secret, beloved wife.


Severus and Lily's shabby little cottage wasn't so shabby anymore.

Lily directed while Severus helped, and using their talents, the couple managed to repair and refurbish their dwelling in a tenth of the time that it would have taken a muggle couple.

The Snape cottage was still quaint, with only two bedrooms, a single bathroom, a kitchen, and a small living area, but that didn't matter.

Quaint didn't mean dirty.

Quaint didn't mean ugly.

For Lily and Severus, quaint meant charming and comfortable.

Once the cottage was ready for furniture, Severus had been shocked when he came home one evening.

Lily was bustling around in the kitchen as if nothing had changed as she made dinner with her red apron on.

Severus's jaw dropped as he looked around.

Everything from the light fixtures on the ceiling to the small rugs that laid on top of the wooden floor had been carefully selected, purchased, and placed.

The color scheme throughout the small cottage was neutral but warm and inviting.

"Hello, darling!" Lily called from the kitchen when she saw Severus standing beside the hearth.

"Hello, my love." Severus replied, letting the words fall freely from his lips, wanting to return the verbal affection that his dear Lily had so generously lavished upon him.

"Did you have a good day?" Lily asked while she walked over to the table and began to put the place settings down for dinner.

"Quite....." Severus said absent-mindedly while he stood, still looking around in amazement.

Severus felt like he was standing in one of the home furnishing stores that Lily had drug him through over the last few weeks...........but somehow, he found that the ambiance made him feel relaxed.

It was.......cozy.


And it was because of Lily that their crumpled little cottage had transformed into Severus's idea of bliss.

"I sat some things around today while you were at work. I hope you like everything, I didn't think that decorating was really your cup of tea." Lily smiled at Severus.

" looks like you've done a wonderful job." Severus replied, still looking over everything.

Severus mused over the careful placement of knick knacks on a wall shelf and marveled at how Lily had taken the time and the thought to sit each one exactly four fingers' width apart.

Severus had helped Lily with large repairs on their cottage, sure.

In the span of a single day, Lily had turned the dusty old shell of a living space into a home.

Their home.

Severus and Lily's home.



Severus and Lily made use of Dumbledore's gift as soon as they moved in.

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