Chapter 9 - Oh, Severus!

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The very next evening, under the safe cover of his invisibility cloak, Severus reluctantly apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place.

The meeting was getting ready to start and most of the Order's members had already arrived, among which included Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and to Severus's dismay.

James Potter.

Severus was quite nervous and although he was almost trembling with dread, his heart lightened when Lily rushed to greet him as he shed his cloak in the foyer.

Dumbledore was chatting casually with everyone at the large table in the adjacent dining room, but James craned his neck and watched in disgust as Lily bounded over to Severus.

"Hey, Sev!" Lily smiled warmly while Severus folded his cloak.

Severus nodded politely. "Hello, Lil-"

Severus didn't even get Lily's name out before she pulled him in close to plant a kiss firmly and unashamedly on his lips.

As James watched, his eyes narrowed with jealousy and a horrible scowl disfigured his handsome face.

"Told you, mate." Sirius Black whispered to James, after he glanced at Lily and Severus.

"It's not real." James hissed back, sneering at the happy look in Severus's black eyes when Lily drew back, keeping her hand on his cheek lovingly.

James continued to chat with Sirius, his voice hushed but furious. "He's done something to her, I'll wager you. You know what he is!"

Sirius frowned at his best friend.

"Just let it go, James." Sirius whispered when Severus and Lily walked into the room a moment later.

"Ah, Severus. we're glad that you were able to come tonight." Dumbledore said cordially to Severus.

Severus nodded at Dumbledore.

Lily stood supportively by Severus's side.

Everyone was eyeing Severus a bit warily, but most of the Order members had polite smiles on their faces in quiet acknowledgment.

Between Dumbledore's endorsement and Lily's kiss, Severus felt a little more at ease.

Severus did, at least, until James sneered and mockingly greeted him, "Hello, Snivellous."

Lily scowled at James.

Severus's black eyes instantly darted over to his old enemy, but Dumbledore cleared his throat and spoke before either of them could say or do anything else, "Let us not dwell on old grievances, tonight. We cannot stay here long without running a great risk of being discovered. As I'm sure you all have heard and seen, our battle is not going well. Tom's numbers are growing and the attacks on the innocent seem to increase each day."

A respectful quiet was in place while Dumbledore spoke, but James and Severus were still staring each other down, engaged in a silent battle of their own.

"We need to find a better weapon. Something that will give us an edge over our enemies. Even if it's just a distraction so that we can strike effectively.... Please, everyone, lend me your ideas. Severus," Dumbledore paused and Severus obediently tore his gaze away from James and looked over to his headmaster.

"Yes, sir?" Severus asked.

"We need your help. Anything that will give us an advantage, be on the lookout for anything. You know Tom and his followers better than we do..... Almost better than I do, now....." Dumbledore said solemnly.

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