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Saint pressed his lips to Perth's collarbone and gripped the taller man's hands, humming.

"Are you ready?" Saint asked quietly and Perth shrugged before opening the door and entering the room.

A built man with a handsome face greeted them with a bright smile. "Hello! Which one of you is Per-"

"That's me," Perth said thickly, taking a seat in the chair in front of the man's desk. Saint made to sit in the chair beside it, but Perth pulled the boy into his lap instead, causing Saint to blush.

"Perth, we don't know anything about this man-"

"I can assure you, I do not mind your relationship," the man said, smiling brighter. "My daughter is marrying a very beautiful girl next weekend. I'm extremely happy for them both. My name is Dan, Perth, we've spoken on the phone a few times but I can officially say that I am your therapist now."

Perth stared at the man without speaking. Saint sighed and took Perth's hand, causing the younger to sigh and say, "Hello, Dan. My name is Perth Tanapon and this is my boyfriend, Saint Suppapong."

Saint grinned and took the hand Dan offered, knowing Perth wouldn't shake it. "It's nice to meet you," Saint said, pulling his hand back and instead squeezing Perth's. "I hope you can help my Perth."

Perth smiled into Saint's neck at that, loving that Saint was all about Perth and what Perth needed- but it was the same way for him.

"I will try my best," Dan said, looking between the two. "Why don't you tell me about how you and Saint met, Perth?"

Perth raised an eyebrow. "Saint isn't near to being a problem of mine-"

"I know," Dan assured them, "I want to know a bit about you, first."

Perth noticeably relaxed at that. "Well, I actually ran into Saint on the streets. We hated one another our first month or even longer."

Dan kept smiling. "That's interesting! How'd you start liking one another?"

"We had been fucking," Perth said bluntly, causing Saint to blush and Dan's face to contort to one of surprise.

"So, um, you were Saint's 'friend with benefits'?"

"He was mine," Perth corrected. "Saint has always been mine. But... that is the correct scenario. We just fucked and eventually I stayed the night with Saint before-" Perth suddenly stopped talking but Dan gave him a look to continue. "Before, um, he found out about the nightmares."

"Do you often have nightmares?" Dan asked.

"They- Um, no. I mean, I used to always have them but they've not been an often occurrence recently," Perth mumbled, not liking this. He hated talking about himself but Saint was here so Perth merely pretended to be talking to his boy.

"What do you dream of?"

"They're memories," Perth breathed. "Awful ones."

"Of what?"

"Stop!" Perth shouted suddenly and Saint flinched before gripping Perth's hand and turning to look at him with wide eyes.

Dan had jumped as well, spilling the coffee he'd been bringing to his lips. "Okay, Perth, you do not have to talk about things if you don't wish to... Is it Saint making the nightmares go away?"

"Yes," Perth said immediately.

"How does Saint make you feel?"

"It's not how he makes me feel that's important," Perth confided. "It's the fact that I feel, period. Saint makes me feel-upset, angry, confused, frustrated, hurt, delighted, happy, dreamy, in love. I can feel things when with Saint. I hadn't felt anything before him."

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