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Perth's anger was boiling to a point when he'd entered the strip club, Alive, on Friday night.

He'd gotten a call from his boss, Peter, and was informed that he was to train the new dancer.

Perth didn't help anyone but himself.


"Perth," the lad's best friend greeted from the bar. Perth have a fleeting glance to Plan, nodded a hello, and continued on to Peter's office.

"Hello, Perth," Peter greeted without looking up from his computer.

"What do you mean, I'll have a to train someone? And you can't hang up this time, Peter, so explain," Perth demanded, slamming his hands on the desk.

Peter jumped and looked up.

"Perth, please. Vance is new. He needs help and you're the face of Alive!" Peter begged now, widening his eyes. "You work for me. When I ask you to do things, please just do them."

"I work for you? I'm the best dancer you have, Peter! What would you do without me? I highly doubt Alive would be in the rank it is, and you know it! Do not threaten me with 'the higher power' thing"

Peter sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Perth-"

"I am going home. And I don't want to hear another snippet about this because I am not training anyone. Have a good day."

Perth left then, wanting to just get back in bed. He felt a tad bit guilty for just now letting Peter know he wasn't working his shift, but only because it was Friday and Perth truly was the best stripper there.

Perth got into his car as soon as he got outside, cranking it and turning up the heat. He buckled up and drove off. He wasn't far down the street when he saw a familiar lad- Saint.

He'd seen the boy several times both on his way to and from work. He was rather cute, but after Perth met him the other day, Perth knew the bloke was just a sassy piece of ass.

He did have a nice bum.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Perth slowed down, ignoring the slight traffic issue, and rolled down a window.

"Hey, clumsy feet," Perth spoke loudly, gaining the lad's attention.

When he saw Perth's face, Saint scowled and turned his head, continuing his walk, but Perth began honking his horn and the small lad widened his eyes in alarm, not wanting to gain unwanted attention.

"Get iiin," Perth sang, between honks and, finally, Saint ran around the front and entered the car.

"My mother told me not to ride in the car with strangers."

"You know who I am," Perth replied, shrugging as he drove faster.

"If you're giving me a ride, you need to turn around," Saint said carefully, eyeing Perth.

"Where to, little one?"

"The Dollhouse," Saint responded confidently.

The smaller lad seemed to hold back laughter as Perth slammed on breaks, causing the car behind him to be the source of the honking.

"You work at The Dollhouse?!" Perth asked loudly, pulling into a random parking lot and driving around to the other side.

"Yes, sir," Saint responded, smirking.

"Should've expected it from a little twink like you," Perth replied then, turning on his blinker before pulling out and heading towards Saint's place of work.

"I am not a twink!" Saint spoke in his high voice, folding his arms across his chest.

But, let's face it....

Saint was a twink.

"You don't know me," Saint continued to speak, looking out of Perth's car window.

"I wouldn't like to," Perth responded slowly.

"Would you not? Because you caused a scene to get me into your car and you figured out a work at the rival strip club of your own and you're still taking me to said strip club."

"Oh, love... I'm not taking you there because I want to get to know you. I want to get to know your body."

With another smirk, Perth pulled up on the curb beside Saint's strip club.

"You ready?" Perth asked to a suddenly quiet Saint.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Saint knew he'd definitely have to put on a good show.

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