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Saint was loosing his dignity. He tapped his foot as he stood outside the dressing room area at Alive.

Unlike The Dollhouse, with one large dressing room, everyone at Alive had their own dressing room.

Saint was slightly jealous, but he would deny it if anyone asked.

The large, beefy guard wouldn't let Saint pass and it was irritating him. He even told the man Perth was his boyfriend, but the guard snorted and said "You might've pulled that one off if you would've said anyone else."

Perth must not be one for relationships...

Not that Saint was surprised. Perth's persona screamed man whore to a whole new extent.

Perth made whore look good.

In fact, Perth made anything look good.

Especially the tight skinny jeans, loose grey tee, black scarf, and brown boots he was wearing when he came out of his dressing room.

He old had time to pull on his black hat before he saw Saint, arms crossed and standing in front of the guard.

"What are you doing here?" Perth asked, raising an eyebrow when he saw the older lad.

"I want to talk to you" Saint replied simply.

Perth shrugged and pulled Saint in by his collar to press a kiss to his lips. Saint was surprised, but he kissed back.

Saint smirked when he saw the guard's jaw drop.

"Sorry about that" Perth mumbled when as they walked away.

"Sorry about what?"

"Kissing you like that. He will let you in next time since he saw that... At least until I tell him otherwise," Perth replied, leading them not to the door, but to the bar.

Before Saint could ask, Perth called for a 'Plan' and a pretty-looking lad (or God) came out from behind the back counter, brushing his black hair from his face.

"Can we reschedule for tomorrow?" Perth asked breezily, snapping his gaze from Plan to Saint and back to signal he had to handle something.

Plan shrugged.

Perth smiled in thanks and patted his friend on the shoulder. "Thanks, mate."

Plan just nodded.

"What were you guys going to do?" Saint asked as they stepped outside.

"Hook up," Perth replied casually and Saint choked.

"You two... You sleep together?"

"I've slept with all my friends at least twice," Perth replied and he was so casual.

"But... That guy, too? He seems so... He's SO..."

"Plan is quiet now, but he gets a voice in bed."

Saint blinked at how blunt Perth was, acting as if they were speaking about the weather.

"Why do you have sex so much?"

"Why not? I'm not going to settle down with anyone or get a different job, so it's not like I have a reputation to uphold." Perth opened the door for Saint and the small bloke climbed into Perth's car.

"Oh. I understand, I just-"

"Do you not have sex a lot?"

"I do! I do, I just... Not with my friends. I think it's weird."

Perth went to the other side of the car and got in before frowning.

"You've never had a friend with benefits?"

"I normally have sex with customers."

"You're a prostitute, too?" Perth gaped and Saint blushed.

"No! I mean, the customers at the club. If they're fit enough, I get the to take me home."


"Well, I just grind against them.... Whisper in their ears that I want them to fuck me... I sometimes even use the word 'daddy'. I'm good at telling who's into what kinks," Saint spoke honestly.

For some reason, Perth let out a groan as he drove to where he remembered Saint's apartment was.

"What am I into then?"

"Excuse me?"

"What are my kinks, Saint?"

"Well... You seem to go for girly figures, so I suppose you like when guys dress in panties and lace and things such as that. And you're very controlling, which signifies your dominance, which most likely means if I call you 'daddy', you'll be close to coming in your trousers. And you like to keep a firm hold of me, so you must like bondage." Saint paused, examining the way Perth sat, tensed up, clenching his fist around the steering wheel.

Saint then added, "And by the way you're digging your fingernails into your skin, you wouldn't mind me leaving scratch marks on your body, or vice versa."

Perth let out a shaky sigh before glancing at Saint.

"Well, Saint... You're pretty good at that. You've missed one, though."

"What's that?"

"If you're naughty, you get punished."

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