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Knock, knock.

There was a few banging noises from inside before Bas said, "Who's there?"


There was a breathed laugh and then a, "Pizza who?"

"Pizza open the door," Perth said in an embarrassingly stupid Italian accent.

The door opened and revealed Bas, eyes blurry with tears and a sad smile on his lips.

"I wish I could hear Sammy tell those stupid jokes again," he whispered and Perth smiled shyly back, rubbing his neck. "But I suppose you're good enough."

Perth shook his head, stepping into the apartment. "I'll never be anything close to Sammy."

Bas shrugged, closing the door and watching Perth sit on the couch. "You put yourself down so much, Perth, but there's so many wonderful things about you."

"Like?" Perth grumbled.

"You just have the ability to make people fall in love."

"Not on purpose," Perth grumbled. "I seduce them into it, which is no fair!"

"You didn't seduce Saint. I can see how in love he is with you, not your body. I mean, I'm sure it's that, too, but you get-"

"I do, Bas. I'm just... I want to show Saint how true- I'm not here for this, Bas. I want to do something I haven't done in a long time."

Bas raised an eyebrow. "Look, mate, I love to hook up but-"

"Shut the hell up and sit down," Perth said with a laugh, making Bas laugh as well, sitting a foot apart from Perth, turning to face him.

"I'm waiting."

"Don't say anything until I've finished speaking."

"Okay," Bas said.

"Alright... I've... I had a nightmare, no surprise, but it wasn't really... It wasn't a nightmare, but it was. I'll explain. I dreamed about the first time you and I had sex-"

"Wow, what a nightmare," Bas sneered.

"I said be quiet, you twat," Perth grumbled. "Anyways," I woke up thinking about it and... It was a nightmare because I finally realized what I did to you, Bas. I'm truly such a fucked up person. I took my dead sister's other half for granted, took your virginity, your innocence, your damned happiness. I could never be sorry for anything more than this. And I'm shit at apologies but I just... I know now, I know what love feels like and I don't know what I'd do if Saint didn't love me back."

Perth took a deep breath, ready to continue, but the words got stuck in his throat, lost in his mind.

"Perth," Bas said softly, and, shit, he was crying, but he was also smiling, and Perth reached over and pulled Bas into a hug.

"I love you, Bas, and it's not the way you want, but I care so much for you," Perth said honestly, feeling his stomach drop when Bas let out a sob.

"Perth..." He whimpered, tightening his grip. "I'm-I'm so happy you just said that to me, I'm... I can't believe it. I love you, too, even if it's just a brotherly way to you."

Perth rubbed Bas's back, knowing it would be to much to kiss Bas's neck lightly, but Saint was honestly the only person he wanted to kiss.

"Do you want to go see a movie?" Perth asked, pulling away. "Maybe grab a pizza? Just, like, hang out?"

Bas laughed loudly, eyes crinkling. "Sure... Why don't we bring Saint? And... And Copter?"

Perth smirked, nudging Bas's shoulder playfully. "That sounds like a great idea."

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