Chapter 30

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(ahri pov)

As all of us are sitting in the plane returning home eve said to us.

"Want to see what Y/N is currently doing"eve asked us while we all looked at eve then she started to go through her bag and brings out a tablet and then asked.

"Is that the tablets that have the camera feed"I asked then eve laughed and then said to us.

"Of course it is you think I would leave this in my room and not see what Y/N is doing when we are gone you are mistaken fox I want to see what he does when he alone and let just say it been boring but I'm bored so want to watch"eve said we all look at each other then we shrugged our shoulder and went towards eve with the camera feed opened and then saw nothing in the living room then eve said.

"Weird usually he in the living room let see where he is"as eve scrolled through the feed to see empty rooms and Y/N not in his room then eve scrolls even more then we get to dance room to see Y/N there and see 6 other people there and as we were confused then as we all looked at each other then Y/N said.

"Alright you guys ready for this can't believe you guys wanted me to help you dance but this works right"as Y/N said then they all nodded got up and started to get into position and we heard music start playing.

As they finished the dance routine we look at each other then as we looked at each in shocked at what just happened then as we looked at the screen as eve said.

"When did Y/N dance and when and why does he not show it"kai asked as we looked at the tablet in shocked then as we keep looking at the screen and then eve said.

"where going to ask many question to Y/N when we get home"as eve said then we looked back on tablet and as we saw Y/N talking to his friends as they talked for over an hour then his friends all got up to leave while Y/N just sits back down then waiting for a solid 5 minutes he gets back up then takes the elevator back up to the living room and then sits down on the couch and falls asleep then as we looked at the tablet of Y/N sleeping then the plane lands and then as we all get back to our seats to grab our luggage we all one by one get off the plane then we all walk towards the car eve had parked then as eve opened the trunk and we place all our luggage in it then after getting into the car and then we drove our way home and after driving home then after reaching the garage we all got out car then walked our way to elevator then told it up to the top floor and reaching the top we got in then we dropped our bags then we walked over to Y/N sleeping then as we surround him I tap his shoulder and as he just moves then I tap his shoulder again then as he started to wake up he looked at us then he looked confused then he rubbed his eyes then he said.

"Is this real I thought you girls were still on your for another 3 days"he said then we all laughed and then I said.

"We'll that was the case but with how quickly we were doing it we were done as of today and we're back babe and you know what that means"as I finished my sentence I quickly jumped on him and hugged him pretty quickly and then sat on him for a little then I was pulled off and tried by best to get back on Y/N lap but to no avail and then eve let me go then eve started to hug Y/N then I crossed my arms and then after eve released the hug then akali hugged him with passion and then kai jumped on Y/N and spun around with him then Y/N let her go and lastly sera hugged him then as we all backed up and Y/an he said.

"We'll since your home and early the fact do you girls want to eat something"he asked us then eve said.

"Sure but not before you tell us what you and your friends were dancing to in our practice room"and as Y/N stopped and then looked back at us then he looked scared then he turned around and then said.

"Please is there any way you can forget this ever happened and we never talk about this never again"as Y/N tried to plead and as we all shock our head no and Y/N now on the point of getting on his knees and pleading even more and as we looked in shocked and as some of us thought about it then I said.

"I'm sorry but what you did and the moves you did with your friends"I said to him while crouching down next to him with Y/N sighing and then saying.

"Fine since you girls won't give up I will say this I'm the one one who convinced them to do that ok it took hours of convincing to do that and then after words they were done"he told us then we looked confused to what he meant by what he said then I asked him.

"So your telling us that you were the only one who dances in your friend group and also when did you learn to dance"I asked him then as he took in both question he said to me and to the others.

"Yes but my friends had to be convinced cause there not good at it and were I learned to dance it was a thing my parents told me I should try and after I tried it it was sorta a stopping point after that but in some cases I would usually just make up random dances on times but this I thought my friends would want to try this but they tried and they were tired after they tried it and didn't want to do it again but they thought it was a good dance routine I made"he said while we processed the information he told us then as we looked at each other with Y/N sitting down on the ground I got up from him walked over to the others and said.

"So if can do this what do we plan to do make him like kai where he would just sit back and watch us and kai can practice with us and then after we finish he can tell us what went wrong"I asked the others when we grouped around each other deciding what would happen then after words we came out the group circle and then eve said.

"We'll we decided that since you have very good dance skills we will have you watch our dance routine and then after we finish you can help us by giving us tips when we finish is that all good with you darling"eve asked while Y/N sat there thinking and then said to us.

"We'll give me some time to think about it remember things take time to decide what to do"as Y/N told us then he got up and went towards his room while holding his chin then we afterwords walked towards our luggage then picked them up and went towards our rooms and when I entered it the room had been cleaning and it looked good and I smiled then I started to unpack what I had in my bag and place all my clothes back in my closet as I finished with all the luggage I then placed it in my closet then closed it and went back out to see the others waiting and as I sat down as well Y/N came out then said.

"Now that I thought about it and had some to think I perfectly fine with that"he told us then I smiled and cheered as that happened and then I quickly got tired and looked at the time and said.

"Well since we got that out the way I'm going to sleep that plane ride was exhausting goodnight"after I said that I walked toward my room with the others behind and I went in my room and closed my door and jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

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