Chapter 24

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(Y/N pov)

I woke up not ready for today in the slightest but I need to get this day over with I looked at the time to see it is 9:30 am and I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and I splashed my face and then left my room to see everyone else in the living room then as I walk past eve asked me.

"Hey Y/N what wrong you look sad"eve asked me then some of girls looked at me I sat down and lied saying.

"Yeah I'm al fine just woke up tired a little"I told her then eve nodded then she looked at the time and said.

"Well as much as I want you lay you on my lap all of us except kai have to go shopping well because she bought way to much"eve said while looking at kai then I looked at her then kai just said.

"What I like a lot of clothes ok so I wear it all"kai said while crossing her arms then everyone laughed and then started to walk off while I sat down on the couch and then kai looked at me and asked me.

"Hey Y/N are you doing anything today"kai asked me but I lied to her and told her getting up and walking to my room saying.

"Well yeah but it something I have to do so don't worry about it"I told her walking into my room and shut my door and started to pick out my clothes.

(kai'sa pov)

I was confused what Y/N was doing and he usually tells us but he was strange so I pulled out my phone and called ahri after waiting for a little then ahri answered sand then asked.

"Hey kai why are you calling us we are kinda busy"ahri said while I hear noises from the phone then I told her.

"Well Y/N acting pretty strange for some reason and I'm going to follow him"I told ahri then started to tell me while the other girls started to tell ahri things and said.

"Well have fun with that wait is that what I think it is I call you back when were done have fun kai"Then ahri hung up and I waited for Y/N to come out his room and waiting around he came out he saw me still in the kitchen and then he said to me going to the elevator.

"Well kai I'll be gone for a bit if the girls get back tell them I'm going on a walk"he said then hitting the elevator button to go down then I waited for the elevator to go down and waited on the camera till Y/N left and I grabbed a mask and went to the elevator and went down to the ground floor with the clerk asking.

"Ah kai what can I do for you today"he asked me then I just told him.

"Nothing today I'm just going out on a walk to look around the town"I told him he nodded and waved me off then I looked both directions and started to tail behind Y/N with him walking around the city for a little bit then I see Y/N went inside of a flower store then pulled out my phone and put in my notes flowers who then I look out to see Y/N came out I hid behind the building then watched him walk away as I followed close behind again following behind him he went to a cemetery and I was confused why then Y/N started to walk to two graves and placed down his flowers and he sat down next to them then I started to walk towards him and as I stood behind him I asked.

"Hey Y/N are you sure your fine I can tell this is your family grave I'm here for you now"I told him while sitting down next to him with him crying then I grabbed him and brought him to my chest and we sat there while I looked at the grave of his parents while I held him then looked at the year they died and was 15 years ago then I held him closer while he cried in my arms while we spent a while sitting at his family grave I picked him up then I walked him home while he holding me and I was holding him bringing him home walking home for a bit we arrived home getting to the couch laying him down on my lap leaving him on my lap hearing Y/N sleeping in my lap I called ahri again she answered immediately and said.

"Hey kai you figured out why Y/N was acting suspicious"ahri asked while I heard laughs then as it got quiet as I told them.

"Well the reason Y/N was acting suspicious it because today is the day Y/N parents died"I told them then complete silence came over the phone then eve said.

"Well that interesting information we are still shopping but we will finish in a hour so keep Y/N safe for us until we come back"eve told me then she hung up with Y/N on lap starting to wake up.

(Y/N pov)

I woke up on the couch and felt a pair of legs and I looked to my right to see kai holding me then I got up rubbed my eyes then looked at kai and asked.

"So I guess you saw it all"I asked kai she grabs me pulls me closer and hugs me tightly as she told me.

"I did but all I care is you being happy"kai held me but I took her hands off I looked to her grabbed her face and kissed her passionately as I told her.

"Thank you kai how about I treat you"As kai looked confused to what I said I picked her up brought her to my room and dropped her on my bed as I took off my pants.

(Lemon warning)

As I unbuckled my pants and kai looks at me blushing but I held kai and told her.

"It all fine kai I will take it nice and slowly"I told her as I held kai in my arms as she calmed down and letting her go and slowly she strips down to her underwear while covering her blushing then I asked her.

"We can do it gently if you want kai"I asked her she shook her head no and said.

"Im fine with it I just want you to take it slow"kai told me then my cock came out and I nudged her to suck she slowly started to suck my cock as I sat down on my bed and let kai do her own speed then after 5 minutes of kai sucking my cock I cam in her mouth as she swallowed it then I pick kai back up and place her on the bed and position myself over her vagina and asked her.

"Are you ready for this kai"I told her with her nodding at me and then I slowly inserted in her with kai moans coming out and then she put her hands on my chest and said.

"Please slow down it hurting please stop"I stop with kai hurting then I just said.

"It ok just take your time kai I know it can hurt but I won't hurt later ok"I said to her with kai laying there waiting for it to adjust and after waiting around for a couple minutes kai told me.

"Ok your good to go Y/N please just be gentle"kai told me then I started to slowly go back an forth with kai moans coming out of her with me pounding her while laying down on my bed with kai tightening her grip on me while I just keep pounding her quickly now with more moans coming out then I picked up kai and placed her on the wall with more moans coming out and juices of her vagina coming out with her tight on me with moans constantly and 5 minutes of pounding kai on the wall then moving her around the place I told her.

"Kai I'm getting close"I told her with her moans that can't stop she told me.

"Please I want it in me Y/N I love you to much"kai told me then I grab her face made it look at me then I kissed her with me pounding faster to get kai moaning then I released my load inside of her and fell down on my bed with kai on me then we both laid there resting.

(lemon ends here)

As we both get up and put our clothes back on then we walked out of my room and walk back to the couch and as we both sit down on the couch and waited for the others to arrive and after waiting 20 minutes they came out the elevator with ahri tackling me immediately and saying.

"Why didn't you say your parents died to today"ahri to shake me with tears in her eyes then they all came around me then all of them hugged me saying.

"It ok Y/N we are your family we are here for you and we won't leave you"as they held me with all of them surrounding me then as they all released their hugs I sat there crying with kai comforting me saying.

"It alright let it all out and you will be fine"kai told me then I cried on her until I fell asleep in her lap.

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