Dior had took a shower shortly after they arrived so he didn't need one now.

He sat on his living room couch and watched the blank tv screen. He thought about how careless he was today. Nothing like this has ever happened but he was glad that Isaiah decided to stay despite that.

His mind starter to drift off to his father. Just the thought of him caused his jaws to clench. He didn't understand how it's possible for him to love his father and also be so angry at him at the same time.

He brushed off those thoughts and decided to lay out something for Isaiah to wear.

He took out a long sleeve shirt since his temperature stayed low and a pair of basketball shorts. He could hear the shower running indicating that she used the bathroom that connected to his room.

After a while of sitting in silence and letting his thoughts take over he saw Isaiah appear from the hallway into the living room.

"That's not what I took out for you" he shook his head but couldn't help the smile that formed at the view infront of him. She stood in some cotton shorts and a graphic hoodie. Her once straightened weave was now curly due to the humidity from the shower. She tied it up in a loose bun in the middle of her head. She looked so pretty to him.

"I know" she shrugged her shoulders and plopped down right next to him on the couch. At first her being so close to him made him feel a little weird but after realizing that she wont stop he learned to be comfortable with it and honestly it felt nice.

"Lets watch a movie" Isaiah said after a long yawn.

"You sound sleepy we can do that tomorrow" Dior suggested.

Isaiah stood up slugishly and stopped to look at Dior.

"You not coming?" She asked.

"I'll take the couch"

"You can't sleep on the couch this is your place" Isaiah was aware of the fact that one if the guestrooms was designated for Aria and the other one was empty. Nothing but thick dark curtains.

"I'll be okay here" he shrugged. The couch was pretty comfortable so he didn't mind at all.

"At least sleep on the one in your room then" Isaiah suggested.

Dior said noting as he stood up. They both made their way yo his room where Isaiah immediately got in under the covers. Dior made sure to add another blanket for her since she constantly complained about being cold.

He lay his body on the two seater couch and pulled his hood over his head till it partially covered his eyes.

For a few minutes the room was silent. He knew that meant Isaiah was already asleep so he got up and went back to the living room where he lay down on the couch. He knew it would be hours till he caught some sleep but what he really was avoiding was on the off chance that he falls asleep he didn't want to wake up from a nightmare with Isaiah there to witness it.


Hey friends and ghost friends👋👀

This chapter is short as hell😅...i had a plan for how I wanted it to go initially buy that one wasn't giving what I thought it was supposed to gave and it would have slowed things more than they already are so I scrapped it and did this very poorly planned chapter but its been a long time so I thought why not give y'all something.

I didn't proof read this so please let's all act blind when we see a mistake☺

I just wanted it get over this stage and maybe we can have some REAL JUICY DRAMA now.

Please Vote And Comment. But I Like Comments More😁

Fun fact about me: I hate exchanging greetings😂 I don't know why but it's so cringe...whats something weird or funny about you guys?

whats something weird or funny about you guys?

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It be like this for real😂😂

It be like this for real😂😂

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Isaiah is soo pretty


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