Jimin didn't go to work that day but the next morning, he had freshened up and was set to head to the medical center. He suddenly received a call from Taehyung but he didn't look twice at his phone and cut the line. Nanny Ji hye saw him that morning. He looked very handsome. He even smiled at her to greet her as usual but the smile didn't reach his eyes. There was no light in those eyes and Nanny Ji hye knew Jimin was only making an effort to cope with his heart break. She hoped it would work. Everything was a mess. Taehyung and Jungkook were having an affair, Jimin was hurting because of that. Mr Park had travelled for a business trip and his wife Jeong Hana seemed to have vanished out of the mansion since his departure. She could just feel disaster looming in the air and prayed Jimin would not be affected by it.

Before Jimin had reached the medical center, he received five more calls from Taehyung which he of course ignored but he couldn't take the disturbance anymore and the sixth time, he finally picked up.

"What is it?" He yelled into the phone.

"Jiminah...please, I need to speak with you. You're misunderstanding the whole thing"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "More excuses. Mr Kim Taehyung. I'm not interested in whatever you want to say. I no longer want to have anything to do with you. You can stop forcing your self now"

"What do you mean?"

Jimin sighed. "You know what I mean. You don't have to pretend to be good to me. I have let go. You can be with Jungkook now"

Jimin could hear Taehyung groan with dissatisfaction on the other line. "What are you saying? Jungkook is married!"

"You didn't seem to remember that when you both were locking lips"

Taehyung took a deep breath. "He forced himself onto me. How many times am I going to tell you that. I don't feel anything for him anymore"

Jimin scoffed. "Well I don't believe you. You were crazy about each other before. How come it ended so quickly"

There was no reply from Taehyung's end. Jimin smiled bitterly. "There you have it. You can't even explain yourself..."

Taehyung's voice was shrill. "You don't understand..."

"Mr Kim, leave me alone. If you want to be with Jungkook then you can do so. Nowadays, Marriage isn't a guarantee that two people will be together forever. If it were, then couples wouldn't be divorcing all the time"

Taehyung sighed. "Please Jimin just understand me..."

"I don't want to understand you. I'm running late for work. Goodbye"

He hung up and his heart clenched. Tears were struggling to spill out but he held them back. When he got to the hospital, he had a feeling Taehyung might stop by so he ordered all the nurses to prevent Taehyung from seeing him.

He was right. In the evening, Taehyung came by and asked to see Jimin but the nurses stopped him.

"I'm sorry but the doctor requested that we shouldn't let you in"

Taehyung was down casted. He sent a message to Jimin but there was no reply. He was so frustrated. He began to question himself. What did he do that was so wrong? He didn't willingly kiss Jungkook. Why can't Jimin just hear him out. Since Jungkook decieved him, he had never seeked him out. He had been determined to rid him out of his life. It was Jungkook that had been coming on to him all these while. He had never really cheated on Jimin. Why was he so stubborn. Plus his jealousy was as consuming as fire. It was truly scorching. He desperately had to find a way to talk face to face with Jimin but the latter didn't give him any chances. Over the next few days, he avoided him like a plague. He didn't pick his calls, he didn't reply his texts but Taehyung wasn't the type to give up. Never.

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