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The journey to Mumbai by flight was a luxurious experience, but Riddhima's comfort was marred by the fact that she was only there due to his coercion. If anything were to go awry, she vowed to herself that she would promptly resign from her job.

As they pulled up to the grand entrance, the security guards snapped to attention, saluting Vansh as they passed through the towering gates. Riddhima, seated in a separate car with Sia, was taken aback by the imposing security measures in place - at least fifty burly guards and a network of around three hundred cameras meticulously monitoring every inch of the property.To add to her growing frustration, Riddhima's phone was confiscated as she prepared to enter the opulent VR mansion.

The servant quarters were expansive and well-appointed, easily accommodating the guards and staff. Riddhima took a moment to admire the stunning fountain that adorned the front of the mansion.

"I assure you that all your desires can be fulfilled here," Mr. Vansh Raisinghania declared, his pride evident as he gestured towards his lavish estate. He eagerly awaited Riddhima's reaction, fully expecting her to be dazzled by his wealth.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Riddhima replied, her skepticism palpable.

Vansh was prepared to foot any bill for his sister Sia's treatment, such was his love for his sister.
Just then, an elderly woman, her face etched with the wisdom of her seventy-five years, emerged from the mansion. She performed an 'aarti' ceremony to welcome the Raisinghania siblings, her warm smile extending to Riddhima as well.

"Still contemplating what to ask for?" Vansh prodded, his smirk never leaving his face.

"Let me assist you if you're finding it difficult to decide - I have diamonds, gold, and I'm certain you've now gauged my net worth."

"Actually, there's something I need," Riddhima began, pausing for dramatic effect. She was about to ask him for something he could never provide.

"There's nothing that Vansh Raisinghania cannot give," he boasted, his confidence unwavering.

"Can you give me some respect?" Riddhima challenged, her eyebrow raised in defiance, mirroring Vansh's earlier expression.

Riddhima's bold challenge to Vansh Raisinghania left him momentarily speechless. He had expected her to ask for some material possession, but her demand for respect had taken him aback. For a moment, he looked at her with a newfound admiration, impressed by her courage and self-respect.

But the moment was short-lived. Vansh quickly regained his composure and pulled out a locket, dangling it in front of Riddhima's face.

"I can give you respect, Riddhima, but I can't give you what you don't deserve," he sneered.
 "And based on what I've just found, I'm beginning to think that you don't deserve much at all. Well, I found this among your belongings, seems you do have a pretty boyfriend, I suppose."

Riddhima was left in a state of shock, unable to recall ever owning a locket, let alone recognizing the man in the photograph. Perhaps she had overlooked her old belongings, or maybe her memory was failing her.

"I... I don't know him," Riddhima admitted, her voice trembling with fear and confusion.

"I can't stand liars," Mr. Raisinghania sneered, examining the locket more closely.

Riddhima was rooted to the spot, unable to comprehend who the stranger in the photograph was or why he was causing such a stir.

"So, you refuse to confess," Vansh said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Angre!" he called out to his right-hand man.

"Yes, boss?" Angre replied, bowing his head respectfully.

"Find this man," Vansh demanded, handing him the locket.
 "Search every corner of this world if you have to, but bring him to me immediately."

"Yes, yes, boss," Angre nodded, hurrying out of the room to carry out his orders.

"I swear, I don't know him!" Riddhima cried out, her eyes clenched shut in frustration. She opened them again, fixing Vansh with a sharp gaze.

"What's your problem?" she challenged him. "Whoever he is, what does it matter to you?"

"Maybe he's the one who sent you here," Vansh mused, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Maybe he's using you to spy on me."

Riddhima was repulsed by his insinuation. The way he pried into other people's personal lives was despicable.

"I rejected your offer in the first place," she reminded him.

"That could have been part of your plan," Vansh smirked, clearly enjoying the game he was playing.

"I don't know who he is, and that's the truth!" Riddhima declared, pointing towards the door in a clear signal for him to leave.

Vansh strode out of the room, muttering something to the security guards stationed outside.

"I'm sure Riddhima is lying," he mused, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"Interesting... very interesting ..."

Riddhima was left alone in her room, her mind reeling with questions about the man in the locket and Vansh's unsettling obsession with him.

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