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Kabir carefully unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the words that were about to change his life. The letter revealed a shocking truth - Ragini, the woman he had loved, was part of a scheme to ensnare a wealthy man in the bonds of matrimony. It was a plan orchestrated by her husband, and Vansh, Kabir's brother, had been protecting her all along. He had declared her dead to the world, a ruse to extract the truth about their mother's death from her.

Ragini had attempted to seduce Vansh, and his brother had played along, even going as far as proposing an engagement. But it was all a facade, a ploy to expose her true intentions. A few days post their engagement, Ragini discovered the identity of Uma Raisinghania's murderer. In her haste to reveal the truth to Vansh, she met with a tragic accident.

Kabir was hit with the realization that the accident was no mere coincidence but a calculated move by their enemies. His brother had known all along that Ragini was alive, yet he chose to keep Kabir in the dark. Kabir had spent years longing for Ragini's love, and Vansh had done nothing to alleviate his pain. For a fleeting moment, Kabir felt a sense of relief knowing that Vansh had been protecting Ragini. But the sting of betrayal was too strong - Ragini had been deceiving him, and Vansh had kept her truth hidden.

Vansh was about to step into his car when a voice echoed through the air, "Vansh!" Angre, Riddhima, and Vansh turned to see Kabir, his anger palpable. To Vansh, however, Kabir seemed like a candle that could be easily snuffed out.

"Why didn't you tell me that Ragini was alive?" Kabir demanded, grabbing Vansh's collar. 

"I've been yearning for her, missing her all these years, and you never bothered to tell me that she was in a coma," Kabir's voice broke as he landed a punch on Vansh.

Before Kabir could land another punch, a soft pair of hands stopped him. A slap echoed through the air, leaving a clear imprint on Kabir's face. 

"Don't you know he's been severely injured? It's your fault for not investigating properly, not his. Don't you dare lay a hand on him," Riddhima's voice was fierce, her protective stance surprising the three men.

"You've learned to live without her," Vansh said, shrugging off Kabir's accusations. Kabir turned to him, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Ragini..."

"Enough," Riddhima interrupted, "Now, Inspector or ACP, whatever you are, may I take my husband home?" Vansh leaned in to whisper, "So, you're coming back home. That's interesting."

Riddhima shot him a glare before addressing Kabir, "You can continue your investigation later." With that, she got into the car.

Kabir held his cheek, wincing at the pain. "Nice choice," he muttered, earning a smile from Vansh. Riddhima watched in surprise as Vansh draped an arm across Kabir's shoulder. "Listen, Kabir, everything I did was for your own good."

"Why didn't you tell me that she was already married?"

"You were blinded by her love, Kabir. You wouldn't have listened to me. I told you many times that I didn't kill Ragini. Did you listen to me?" Vansh asked, patting Kabir's back.

Vansh returned to the car with Angre's help and sat next to Riddhima, who was looking at him suspiciously. "What happened?" he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Why were you talking to him that way? He's your enemy, right?"

Vansh laughed at her innocent question. "Sometimes, we have to make the enemy feel we're on their side. It's the art of war, you see."

Riddhima turned her head towards the window, crossing her arms. Vansh was the most complicated person she had ever met. Despite the pain caused by Sunny, she found herself forgiving Vansh after learning the whole truth.

From Vansh's perspective, it was only natural to harbor suspicions about everyone. He had a multitude of enemies, some of whom were even plotting against his life. Riddhima had witnessed evidence of this with her own eyes.

"Vansh," she called out to him gently.

"Yes?" he responded, raising his eyebrows in curiosity.

"I promise I won't harm anyone in your family," she declared, her gaze fixed on the car window as she absentmindedly scratched her neck.

A smile spread across Angre's face. Riddhima had finally grasped what his boss desired. However, her statement was unnecessary as Vansh already trusted her.

"I know," Vansh replied, his voice steady.

A silence enveloped the atmosphere once again. Despite the urge to converse, everyone in the car chose to remain quiet.

"Aren't you scared?" Riddhima broke the silence, rubbing her temples.

"Of dying?" she continued, turning to look at him.

Vansh was amused by the direction their conversation was taking. No one had ever questioned him so beautifully as the charming girl sitting next to him.

"Not at all," he responded with a hint of pride.

"If you're not there, then who would protect your family?" she asked, her fingers nervously fidgeting.

"I'll always be there for them. Who would dare to harm Vansh Raisinghania's family?" he retorted confidently.

"Someone dared to harm you with two bullets," she pointed out, trying her best not to look at him.

"I don't care. It's natural," Vansh smirked, anticipating more questions from her.

However, to his disappointment, silence prevailed for another half an hour. Once again, his wife shattered the quiet.

"You say you're not scared of anything," she mumbled, playing with her nails.


"Won't your family cry after seeing you injured?" she asked. The slight pout on her face did not go unnoticed. She looked like a cute little spirit that had descended from heaven just to bombard him with questions. Her white dress added to the simplicity and tranquility of the atmosphere.

"No one would cry. Many have seen me like this, and they know that Vansh Raisinghania is his own God. No one can decide his death except for himself," he stated.

Riddhima rolled her eyes, wondering how far a man's ego could stretch. She had cried seeing his wounds. Being a doctor, she knew how much pain he must have endured. Her questioning session began once again.

"Have you ever thought of leading a simple life? Without workers, without bodyguards, without pistols and bullets. Just you, nature, and your family?"

"We always go for a holiday trip, sweetheart," he smirked.

"Without bodyguards?"

"Bodyguards come along because safety comes first," he explained.

"You can buy anything, but peace cannot be bought, even if you're rich," Riddhima said, resting her chin on the window.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now