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A tall, young man entered the cabin, exuding an air of confidence and sophistication. Dressed sharply in a formal suit, he approached his sister, Sia, who was seated in a wheelchair. Concern etched on his face, he inquired softly, "Are you alright?" Sia nodded in response.

"I'll arrange for the best doctors from around the world for you. Why did you come to this small clinic? I could have arranged for something better," he expressed, his worry evident.

Riddhima, the attending physician, observed the interaction and couldn't help but roll her eyes at the man's comments. She rose from her seat and walked over to them, her gaze level with his despite the considerable height difference.

"Your sister is doing well. Her cramps have subsided," Riddhima informed him. She then added,

 "Mr. Raisinghania, ensure that your sister takes calcium supplements daily as she has a calcium deficiency."

As she turned to leave, the man surprised her by speaking up, "I want you to be her personal physiotherapist."

Riddhima was taken aback by the request. "No," she replied firmly without turning back to face him.

The man's amusement was palpable as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, prompting her to continue.

"I'm declining your offer. I have other patients to attend to," Riddhima reiterated when he challenged her decision.

A sudden phone call interrupted their conversation, and Riddhima's expression turned to one of shock as she received surprising news about the clinic being sold. Realization dawned on her as she turned back to the man, who had seemingly orchestrated the clinic's purchase within hours.

Feeling trapped, Riddhima asked, "What do you want?"


 "As I mentioned earlier, my sister likes your therapy sessions. So you're coming with us to Mumbai. Right now." he said, much to her dismay.

He threatened to fire all the staff from her clinic if Riddhima refused. Left with no choice, she reluctantly agreed to accompany them, intending to return as soon as she treated Sia. However, she knew it would take time.

When Riddhima went home to pack her belongings, she was surprised to find the house empty. A young man emerged and introduced himself.

"Hi! I'm Angre. I've packed all your things and sent them to Mumbai," he announced proudly.Riddhima was appalled by this invasion of privacy.
 "Don't you have any manners? Is this how you barge into someone's house like a thief?" she glared at him.

Angre smiled and explained that the landlady had given him the keys and Mr. Raisinghania had ordered him to check and pack all her belongings before sending them to Mumbai.

"But where will I stay?" Riddhima asked, frowning.

"In VR Mansion," Angre replied before leaving the house.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now