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The white, red and blue seeker stared out at clouds above them. He blinked lightly before saying offhandedly "Hey Sky'...looks like a storm is building up."

"Perhaps we should head back to the ship then." The shuttle responded as he walked over by the almost abnormally small seeker. "C'mon Star'." He said as The seeker climbed up the shuttle's back and sat on his shoulder.

They started to walk a bit, engaging in casual conversation, when the wind picked up and it started to snow. "Heh...reminds me of Vos." Starscream said, fluttering his wings.

"You always look so pretty in snowy atmospheres." Skyfire responded.

"Shush you big ol' polar bear." The seeker replied in a playful tone, feeling the wind getting slightly more rough.

"But it's true Star'! You're resplendent!" The shuttle insisted as the seeker smiled. "D-do you still have that present of mine?"

"Mmhmm, can I look at it yet?"

"Not yet, I want you to wait until we are back at the ship, where you'll be safe." The shuttle said gently almost laughing as the seeker gasped.

"I am safe! I have you! Plus, a little snow won't hurt no Vosian like me, we're built for it!" Starscream insisted as he spread out his wings in a proud stance.

"Still, it's never hurt to be safe. You should know with all the experiments you and Hotlink do compared to me and you." Skyfire reminded gently.

The mainly white seeker blinked before saying, "Redwing said it's 'cause we're mental."

"He isn't entirely wrong, Hotlink and you both have mental disabilities, or, well, you have an emotional one.."

"Exactly, Redwings fraggin' wrong, I have Bi-polar disorder, not uhhhhh..." he tried to think of an example.

"Borderline personality disorder?" Skyfire suggested.

"Yeah! BPD! I ain't got that!" Starscream said with a smile.

They continued to Drabble on about different things when even Starscream started to shiver from the winter-like storm. Skyfire frowned and said, "Star', get in front of me. The wind is coming from behind us...I'll shield you." He claimed as Starscream got down from his shoulder and walked in front of him, their conversation continued, until the wind switched and came thundering down on Starscream's small frame.

"This Primus forsaken storm!" The smaller seeker growled, as he struggled walking forwards. Not noticing he had dropped a datapad, a datapad that was a surprise from his science partner.

"It's okay, Starlight, I'm right here, I promise I'll be here every step of the way." Skyfire said in an encouraging tone.

They continued forward completely silently, Starscream struggling to move barely at all against the wind. He couldn't barely see a thing in front of him at all. "H-how much farther Sky'?"

When he received no response, he yelled it, "Sky'! How much farther?!"

No response.

He turned around and was horrified. "SKYFIRE!" He screamed, not seeing his companion.

He looked around and searched desperately in his standing spot for his partner, scared to move, and blinded by a dark storm. "Skyfire?! Where are you?!" He started to cry and he lowered himself to his knees and punched the ground in raw anger.

"Sky' you liar! You said you'd b-be by my s-side!" He cried, before silently crying, knowing he just lost the mech he loved the most.

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