6- reflection

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I wasn't sure where to go after ripping my hot teacher's nose off so I decided after careful thinking to cool off at Arby's.

I ordered a chocolate shake and fries with extra grease and some of the bugs from the kitchen floor. Hopefully that would make me feel better.

What had gotten into ed? Or should I call him mr. sheeran again? I wonder why he broke my kneecaps like that. I'm sure he still loves me even though he's never told me that before and the only times we've ever touched were to hurt each other.

I decided to be a bad student tomorrow at school. Maybe that way I could get some attention from Ed again, even if he did break my knees. I need to work out my issues with him so we can go back to normal. I don't even know what we are but I'm determined to marry him.

the shape of ed // an ed sheeran love storyWhere stories live. Discover now