6. Island Exam (3)

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Kiyo POV

It was now the fourth day of our stay at the Island.

I woke up to the sound of a girl calling us boys out.

Me along with rest of the boys woke up and went out of the tent we had slept in, rubbing our eyes.

As we got out we were greeted by the sight of some girls led by Shinohara glaring at us.

"Is something wrong Shinohara san?" Hirata asked her on behalf of us boys.

"Sorry to wake you up like this Hirata kun, this doesn't involve you. But we've gathered everyone to confirm something." She said and glared at us boys who didn't understand what she was getting at.

"This morning Karuizawa San's underwear went missing... Do you understand what that means?"

The usually calm and collected Hirata was also visibly shaken by this news.

The fact that the boys were called out means that she thinks that one of us is the culprit.

"Huh!? So why the heck are you glaring at us over her underwear?" Sudo who apparently still didn't understood her intentions bar-spoke up.

"Isn't it obvious that one of you stole it? Our luggage was outside the tent, anyone can get up and steal something from it if they want."

As she spoke up I saw Ichika coming out from the tent unfazed by the situation.

While we can't be a hundred percent sure, she and I both knew who could've been the one behind this situation.

Still Ichika didn't say anything as if thinking of something else.

"Hirata kun, while we are sure that you aren't the culprit we can't say the same for the rest of the boys. For now we should check their bags." She said and the girls nodded agreeing to her statement.

Apparently, the girls weren't changing their minds on this.

They had decided that the culprit was on the boys' side. Well, I supposed that it was only natural to think that.

"Huh? Don't give us that crap. We don't need to do that. Hirata, tell them no." Sudo shouted, showing his displeasure at the situation.

"For now, we'll try gathering the guys together and talking it out. Can you please give us a little time?" Hirata asked.

"If Hirata-kun says so." She said and went back towards the girls tent with the rest of the girls who were still glaring at us from afar.

Hirata quickly gathered all the boys in front of the tent. He was trying his best to make sure that the Class stays United.

"We didn't do anything wrong! We don't have to show our bags to them." Ike said glaring back the girls.

It's obvious that the boys will be displeased after being wrongly accused.

While I do agree that some of the boys in our class are huge perverts, stealing a girl's underwear in the middle of the exam is something that they won't risk doing.......probably.....yeah I'm not so sure.

"I don't doubt you guys, but we won't solve the problem like this."

The girls, who were talking together in their groups, looked like they were about to jump on us.

"It might be better to just accept the baggage inspection with dignity and prove your innocence." With that, Hirata brought out his own bag.

"As miserable as this might be, I think you guys'll have to do it. Are you okay with that?"

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