5. Island exam (2)

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Kiyo POV

I woke up to the smell of sweat coming throughout the tent, the night was rather uncomfortable. Half of my classmates were already awake. Wait.. I don't remember coming inside the tent. Did someone carry me inside!? Well no point thinking about that right now.

I got out of the tent and washed my face with some water.

"Good morning Ayanokoji kun." The cheerful voice of Hirata called out to me as I woke up.

"Good morning Hirata, do you know where Ichika is?" I asked him. I din't saw her around so I think she went to the spots but still I thought its best to confirm it with Hirata.

"She along with some others went to renew the spots. They left around 15 minutes ago." he replied.

"I see." I look around and most of my classmates were chatting with each other. Sakura was chatting along with Hasebe. Its good that she found a friend.

"Ayanokoji kun can you help me collect some dry wood? It's better and safer to do this right now so that we won't have to search when it's dark." he asked me.

"Sure just give me 10 minutes." I said and he nodded with a smile.

After 10 minutes I along with Hirata went in the forest to search for the dry wood.

As we were searching we came across a girl, she had short blue hair and a slim figure. She was sitting beside a tree and had a reddened cheek which was obviously from a violent incident. Did she got into a fight? I remember that she is from Class C as I noticed her by Ryuuens's side a lot.

Hirata went to ask her about what happened and she said that she got into an argument with one of her classmates and he hit her and threw her out from the base.

If someone has the Authority of doing such thing in Class C then it's only Ryuuen. 

If she doesn't go back for the roll call then Class C will lose 5 points for every single call she misses she also has dirt under her fingernails, it won't be wrong for me to in short she's a Spy. So Ryuuen is hoping to get the names of leader's of other Classes by sending spies. While I don't think Class A will fall for this strategy, Class B will surely let the spy in their base with open hands.

If Ichika would've been here she would've ignored Ibuki and walked away as if nothing happened. 

But Hirata being the naive guy he is decided to take her back to the base with us. I didn't try to convince him since no matter what I say he wouldn't abandon a girl in the forest. Let's see how Ichika will handle this situation.

Ichika POV

After taking back the spots I along with the 4 people accompanying me went back to our base. As I got back I immediately scanned the are looking for my precious Senpai~.

But before that I saw someone else, it was a short blue haired girl sitting beside a tree with a scowl on her face. Oh now that I remember wasn't she one of Ryuuen's goon? 

Is this Ryuuen's strategy? Looks like he's underestimating us a lot huh?

Well if he wants to get to know the leader of our Class this way then maybe I'll do him a favor and tell him.

He probably also has sent a spy to Class B's camp. 

Well I couldn't care less about those good natured freaks. They'll probably self destruct if left alone.

I decided not to confront the spy Ryuuen has sent and gave my classmates some tasks.

Having nothing much to do I thought about going around on a stroll to the bases of the other Classes.

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