3. Midterm Preparation

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Ichika POV

I was sitting on my seat in the class with my head resting on the table staring at Senpai~ sitting by my side.

He was staring outside the window, he noticed my stare and looked at me.

I give him a smile to which he responded with one if his own.

Even though the smile was weird it still felt good to see that he was actually trying to give me one. Although I hope no one else saw his smile. I wouldn't want any other bitches to hoard around him.

As I was staring at him someone approached near our desk. I decided to ignore his existence and Kept on looking at Senpai.

"Umm Ayanokoji kun, Amasawa San." I recognised the voice, it belonged to Hirata Yousuke the Ikeman of the class and the boyfriend of the blonde bitch.

I kept on staring at senpai while listening to what Hirata has to say.

Senpai greeted him with a nod.

"Would you two mind having lunch with me today? I'd like to discuss some things." he askes us in a gentle tone.

Senpai looked towards me and I nodded, I'm not much interested in what he has to say but it might end up benefitting us so I'll give it a shot.

Also this might help Senpai make some new friends.

"Sure Hirata we'll join you." Senpai said, although his tone was still as monotonous as ever there was a bit of excitement I could sense, well its not everyday that he gets invited out by a friend.

That's probably because of my actions......teehee.

Well as long as Senpai doesn't cheat on me I don't mind him hanging out with anyone else.

As long as its not one of those annoying bitches.

Talking about annoying bitch the blonde one was staring, No glaring at Senpai.

Does she have a death wish? Is she a M?

I decided to ignore her for now and returned my gaze at my handsome Senpai.

His calm face and his intense gaze makes me want to just hug him and Bury my head in his chest.

But since he told me to sit in my seat in exchange for those relaxing massages I'll control myself.

Moreover it feels so amazing when senpai's strong hands run along with my naked body. I wonder how long will he be able to control.

I'll make him feel much more pleasure in many more ways, even thinking about that makes me so happy.

I'll make sure that I'm someone worthy enough for senpai to be with.

I'll make sure that I'm someone he loves, someone he can understand all those feelings with, feelings which he had decided to forget.

As at the end of the day, there's no one who can love senpai more than me. There's no one who cares for him more than me. And there never will.

Timeskip to Lunch

Kiyo POV

"So what is it you wanted to discuss Hirata?" I ask him getting to the point.

"Well you see, we are holding study groups in the Class to help those students who are in danger of expulsion in the midterms." Hirata said and this was information that I already knew.

"But there are some people who decided not to participate in the study groups even though they're the most in danger, I'd like for all of us to stay together in the school and I think it'll be bad for the Class if anyone drops out. So I was hoping that you guys can teach them so they can pass the midterms." Hirata said while bowing his head. Some of the girls who like Hirata were glaring at me and Ichika trying to... Intimidate us?

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