Chap. 18

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Hyejin's POV
Wheein got rushed to the hospital at that time, but she is now in one of the rooms here in the hospital after a few hours. She's still passed out after that time.

I let Yongsun unnie and Byul unnie about this. So they rush to the said hospital as soon as possible. We've waited for the doctor since he left 15 minutes ago. Yongsun unnie and Byul unnie were sitting on the chair next to the window while I'm sitting next to Wheein.

I got worried so much that my heart is like going to jump out of my chest. Is it my fault for not having enough time with her? Is it because I'm always thinking about coping with a huge amount of money daily?

There is a sudden knock on the door making the 3 of us stand up from where we're sitting. The doctor came in with a paper in his hand.

He explains why is Wheein possibly got into causing her to pass out. He said that it can be stressful on the environment, an experience, or she's forcing herself too much. After a few more minutes of talking about her and advising on managing with her, he left the room.

"Where am I when you need me?" I suddenly ask myself in a whisper while caressing Wheein's forearm.

"Wheein will be fine, okay?" Yongsun unnie said while caressing my back.

"Maybe you should take a rest first?" Byul unnie said making the two of us look at her. "I mean, you've been working yourself for 6 months already. Some companies are giving you big projects as a model and a photographer as well," she then walks towards me. "I told those companies that you could not be the one who should do it because there are a lot of photographers out there," she added.

"Please go to the point," Yongsun unnie said.

"I'm thinking that 6 months of sleepless nights, 6 months of crying, overworking yourself, and even not eating enough food because of your work is not good for you. You should at least take a rest but you didn't listen to me. I offer you a whole week or even a month's vacation but you didn't want it. I begged you so many times but I quit since you always said that you don't want to and that's a waste of time," she said.

"I just want to work because of thinking that a big amount of money I can get," I said calmly. "I just want to ignore the fact or to even think of our situation. So I keep myself busy as possible," I added.

"We know Hyejin," Yongsun unnie said calmly as she makes me face her. "We understand because we're not blind to what you want," she then hugs me. "But please listen to us at least a bit," she then caresses my shoulder pulled away.

My tears started to fall on both of my cheeks. Both of them hug me at the same time. I can feel that I still have friends that still care and parent manners of them at the same time.

Wheein's POV
I can hear what they are talking about. I heard it since the doctor came in until now. But I didn't still open my eyes or even dare to move. I want to know more by just hearing things but I guess it's not worth it.

I can feel that my throat is getting drier as I swallow. But some force is stopping me from opening my eyes and mouth. I can't even move my body at all, I'm trying to move but I still can't.

"I'll be ordering foods," a voice said and I know that voice so clear and it's Byul unnie.

Every one of them gave her a specific food to buy. Hyejin also mentions my name knowing that I will be hungry too. I heard the door slam shut and 2 womanly voices were talking.

I can feel my body again. I open my eyes and started coughing because of my dry throat. "W-Water," I whisper.

"Wheein," Hyejin helps me to sit and Yongsun unnie gave me a bottle of water.

Mind Can Forget But Heart Can't [Wheesa]✔Where stories live. Discover now