Chap. 14

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Wheein's POV
Hyejin is a great person to have live under one roof. She is so kind to me with anything I do. I know she's the one who's working for both of us but I don't know why. All I know is that I have to do what she says, like go on my therapy, wait for her in the apartment.

It's not that hard to do so I wanted to help her with her stress to ease at least. But when I want to, I can't, like earlier in the morning on making breakfast for the both of us. I almost put the kitchen on fire but lucky that I didn't because she wakes up immediately. 

I just want to be useful to her but I become a burden instead. An adult but it feels like I'm living as a kid under the roof of their mother. And I hate being like that especially that I know she's struggling too much on out every day.

Me and Byul unnie are here in the car with a lot of cars on the road. It looks like they are in a queue and waiting for something.

"What heavy traffic?!" Byul unnie shouts from inside the car making me flinch.

"I-It's traffic?" I ask with shocked eyes.

"Yeah, traffic can be the reason why a lot of people in their car are angry because they are mostly going into their workplaces," she said calmly but clench her fist.

"O-Okay, calm down unnie," I said and she takes a deep breath.

"What time is it?" As she asks, the cars started to move forward.

I look at the phone Hyejin gave me. The phone has Byul unnie, Yongsun unnie, and Hyejin's number on it. It doesn't have that a lot inside of it since Hyejin told me it's for emergencies only. 

"12:15," I said and she parks the car in one of the restaurants.

"We should eat something first," she said and we started to hop out of the car.

I didn't say anything because I'm not familiar with this place. As we enter the restaurant fully, the whole restaurant has its old aesthetic kind of theme. I can feel that I know this place but I don't know it exactly, it seems like I've been here for almost a lot of time. 

I can tell that Hyejin might like this place because of the way she dresses, the things she likes, and the way she talks sometimes. She sometimes calms when she talks and so polite even though she's talking to a person around her age or even younger than her.

I'm just being quiet around people because I wanted to observe more about them. Like Yongsun unnie and Byul unnie for example. The two are like cats and dogs when they are with each other because of some stupid things Byul unnie did. But their eyes tell how they really love each other so much.

"Wheein!" Byul unnie snaps her fingers in front of me making me into reality. "Look all over and sit at the vacant table, can you?" She asks so I just nod at her. I also told her what food I like before walking away.

I roam around the place and almost half of the restaurant's table is full so I walk more further. I saw a small table, it looks like two people are perfect for the table's size. I sit on the other size and look roam the place using my eyes, the table is near the window near the park and some kids were playing and running around. 

I bet Hyejin will like this place especially the view of this. She loves kids so much and I find it cute, especially when toddlers approach her first. But the problem is that a lot of kids are terrified of her, I don't know why at first. So she told me that because of her eyes and the way she relaxes her face, she said that she looks intimidating for a toddler.

"You really love kids," I heard Byul unnie with food of tray on hand. 

"They are cute," we both giggle at what I said.

Mind Can Forget But Heart Can't [Wheesa]✔Where stories live. Discover now