Chap. 7

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three weeks had passed

Hyejin's POV
I felt someone shaking me so I open my eyes. I didn't even realize that I slept sitting next to her while arms on the bed.

"Change your clothes first," Yongsun unnie said and give me my clothes.

"Where do you get my clothes from?" I ask her with a sleepy tone.

"Those are the clothes you left at home," she smiles at me.

"Oh, where is Byul unnie?" I ask and look behind her.

"Good morning!" Byul unnie greeted me with a smile so I smile back.

"I better change first," I said and head to the bathroom.

I take off my shirt first and look at the mirror. My eyes were puffed out because of crying last night. I look like shit with these eyes, I don't think I can go out with these eyes.

After a while, I'm finally done changing my clothes and washing my face, so I head out seeing the two are eating breakfast. They sign me to sit beside them so I did and they start giving me food.

"Eat this up we know that you eat less last night, as well as the past few days," Byul unnie said so I look down.

"Think about your health too okay?" Yongsun said so I just nod as my answer.

"I know that," I said and we start eating. "I'm also worried since she hasn't woken up yet," I look at her on the bed.

"I'm pretty sure that she will wake up soon," Byul unnie said.

"But it's been three weeks," I can feel that my cheeks got wet again.

"We know," Yongsun unnie then hug me. "She's taking some rest by now, maybe the wounds are not healed yet," Yongsun unnie said and pulled away.

"Let's just eat for now," Byul unnie smile at us calmly.


Time flies so fast that it's already 2 PM and she's still hasn't woken up. I'm getting more worried every day that she hasn't opened her eyes. Every time I look at her, my heart is pounding like crazy and I'm hoping that she will wake up soon.

Yongsun and Byul unnie was at work, Byul unnie said that I should have a month leave. I told her that I don't like it but she keeps saying Wheein's name that made me give up. I can't just leave her here in the hospital.

I just sit next to her as I always do, remembering the words our unnie said.

Like always, we're here in the hospital room. My hands were resting on the bed and my chin on top of it while admiring her.

"Hyejin-ah~" I heard Yongsun unnie called me so I look over her.

"Hmm?" I hum and yawn.

"You better take a nap or rest at home," Byul unnie said.

"I don't want to," I said and go back to the same position earlier. "I'm going to wait for her to wake up," I added.

"But you've bee-" Yongsun unnie got cut off because of what I said.

"What if she wakes up and the doctor was right? That she has amnesia, what should we do?" I look at them with curiosity drew on my eyes.

"I-I don't know," Yongun unnie shrugged her shoulders.

"Should we introduce ourselves as her friends," Byul unnie said and lean on the chair.

Mind Can Forget But Heart Can't [Wheesa]✔Where stories live. Discover now