Main 6 going to sleep with you

Start from the beginning


- miss girl why are you doing gymnastics in your sleep? This is not a competition.

- she will be laying flat on her back one moment then facing the other side of the bed, on her side, usually with Pepi on her, and the blankets tossed to the side the next

- but yet doesn't have too bad of bed head, mostly her hair just puffs up but other than that too bad.

-  She is such a hard worker that when she gets to relax then she is out cold until she needs to get up and or you want/need her for something.

- Her and Pepi often just find a way to cuddle you, however you want to cuddle she is fine with it, as long as Pepi can join.


- is possibly the most dramatic sleeper, like the time to complain about not being able to sleep long enough but sleeps for like 10 hours straight.

- When he is with you then its all the cuddles and love possible, but on his own dear lord does this man PILE blankets on himself.

- There have been times where he has stolen the blankets from you but immediately feels bad when he wakes up and finds out because his "Darling Mc can't be cold at any point, it isn't allowed."

- Dogs sometimes join in but usually like to just do their own thing, they do like to lay across both of your legs and on top of Lucio's chest, they own 90% of that bed and they know it.

- Camio has woken the both of you up at unnecessary hours just because they want to and fuck you, Lucio has nearly took them out of the air more than once.

Multiple bonus ones!


- Morga can sleep like a damn rock but the moment you or something moves around her she is up and alert.

- Shockingly looks rather peaceful when she sleeps and likes to have you within arms reach when sleeping.

- doesn't demand cuddles but if you give it to her she won't say anything against it.

- there have been times when you comfort her after she relives something that makes her feel guilty, she always repays it in the future though.

- Has slept in multiple times with you though, she doesn't like getting up without you and will either A.) Stay in bed until you get up, or B.) Make you get up with her.


- Always manages to wake up perfectly energized? Like manages to sleep the perfect amount every single night.

- can have rough mornings and nights but over all is at peace whenever your with her.

- does make you breakfast every morning, you can't convince her otherwise and she makes you at least have 5 bites before she lets you go on with your day.

- You have gotten to see her hit Julian on multiple occasions for breaking in at night and waking the both of you up.

- Occasionally misses nights and sleeping beside you since she is on some type of journey with her crew but makes sure to always write you letters or notes just cause she feels bad for missing them.

(The under this is Salim and Aisha separately and then with both like a poly relationship, same with Nasrin and Namar)


- always manages to fall asleep with his glasses on and ink on his hands, like sir please clean your hands off before going to bed, there are ink stains on the sheets because of it.

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