Chapter 16

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After Izuku left and while he was letting his anger out in the mining dungeon.
Nezu was sitting staring at the door and waited for him to be out of ear shot and said "Ok so I definitely want him in my school." Nezu said with a grin.
All might then saying "I knew I met that kid somewhere before! I met him a few months ago, he apparently doesn't know any heroes now even me. Till I saved him from a Villain."
Everyone looking at All Might surprised.
Aizawa then says "That explains why he didn't care he was in a room full of Heroes and talking about no wanting to be a Hero. Though he did have a point about why he doesn't care, despite him going out of his way to help that student and acting like a hero."
All might thinking in the back of his head (I wish I could make him my successor but he doesn't want to be a hero so he wouldn't accept. He is so strong and has the right mentality of a hero but doesn't have the motivation. We could try to change that but I think power-loader would be pissed if we just took one of his students.)
A knock at the door is heard.
Present mic opening the door seeing the girl Izuku just saved.
"Excuse me but I just wanted to give some of my points to the boy that saved me since he saved me waisting his own time, preventing him from getting more points. I was also wondering if you knew his name." The girl Izuku saved said.
Aizawa stepping up to the door saying "There is no reason to do that since he wasn't applying for the Hero course, he was just spectating and saw you in trouble. And his name was Izuku Midoriya is applying for the Support course later today."
The girl surprised saying "someone that was able to take out that giant robot isn't going for the Hero course!? Why is he going for support course when he is packing that much power!?"
Nezu piping up saying "we asked the same thing and apparently he finds Heroes boring and seemed annoyed when he was explaining why he didn't want to be a hero, seems he dislikes The idea of Heroes in general but will help people if they need to be saved."
The girl nods her head in understanding, bows thanking them and leaves.
Nezu then says "I wonder how I can get him to join the hero course..."
All the teachers look at Nezu a bit scared of what he is plotting.
Skip to when Izuku is taking the practical for the supporg course.
The teacher is wearing a Excavator shovel on his head saying "Hello my hero name is Power-loader and I will be your test proctor today. The test is simple. Make a original blue print, and try to make a working prototype for bonus points. Please don't set the school on fire."
Izuku sitting next to Mei give eachother a devious smile telling each other "Let's show them what we learned already."
Izuku made blue prints for a taser gauntlet{not magic oriented}. The gauntlet latches around the wrist with a power source in the it and a protective rubber sleeve between skin and metal to prevent self shocking. protruding from  the wrists sides[they are long and reach about 6 inches away from the fist] are silver rods that channel the electricity between the two rods producing a shock of 45 milliamps of shock between the rods. Causing severe pain bit not life threatening.
Izuku just for Fun also made a scout bot that reports all data to a secondary device like a phone or computer. The bot also hovers and contains a few small security measures like pepper bombs, a ball of pepper powder that upon impact explodes a large cloud of pepper dust into the air, blinding the enemy. The scout bots main focus is for infiltration and record through vents and if spotted blind enemies. Even if destroyed all data is directly sent to a phone or laptop.
Mei after exploding twice made hover boots and a grappling hook.
Power-loader looking at everyone who made basic blue prints for simple devices accepts Izuku and Mei saying "Not going to lie, I was expecting a few kids to actually try to make there blue print but you both made two with half the test time to spare. I am happy to say you both have a bright future at UA."
Izuku confused as Mei is cheering asks "wait I thought we had to wait till the end of the week for results?"
Power loader wondering why he knows the procedure for the other course asks "Thats only for the Hero course, due to the hundreds of participants, they take a while to sort through and decide who is worth accepting. I must ask how you know that?"
Izuku doing a fake chuckle while rubbing the back of his head says "I got here a bit too early a c watched the hero test."
Power Loader looking at the kid closer says "you were the kid that broke the window and smashed the zero pointer earlier weren't you."
Izuku jumping a little while Mei looks at him just laughing.
Izuku responds with "Yeah. I saw someone that couldn't move away from it so I charged at it smashing it with my war hammer."
This getting Power-loader attention saying "I heard a rumor that a green hired kid came out of no where and smashed the zero pointer with a giant hammer but I was expecting them to go for the hero course with that kind of strength. Not that I mind you going for my class but why didn't join the hero course? And Could I look at that hammer if you have it here?"
Izuku ignoring the inquiry about not wishing to be a hero, just takes off his bag and pulls a war hammer out of it with one hand and hands it to the teacher saying "Its a little heavy." Sarcastically.
Power loader gripping the hammer with both hands immediately drops it so he doesn't dislocate his arms saying "what is that made of!? It felt like I tried to lift a car! Do you have a strength quirk?"
Izuku shaking his head explaining he is quirkless before making the hammer lighter and lifting it and puting it back in his bag.
The teacher surprised then notices that a a hammer that is almost 6 feet long fits in a small bag starts examining the bag saying "I didn't notice before but how did you do that?"
Izuku playing dumb says "I just put it in my bag." Giving a fake chuckle.
Power loader not dealing with that asks "May I see you bag?"
Izuku clutching his bag says "I do mind."
Power loader raising a eyebrow that can't be seen says "Oh! What else is in there?"
Izuku mumbling "Nothing." Then clearly says "well if me and Mei have alrady passed I guess we can head home. Eri must be getting anxious since I wasn't home all day. Thank you Power loader and have a wonderful day." Izuku runs out dragging Mei with him and runs till he is out of the school.

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