Chapter 10

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Eri falling asleep in Izuku's arms as he was calming her down. Izuku gets up taking Eri to the guest room which will become her room and puts her to bed.
Izuku went to bed and Hephaestus not really sleeping often was sitting by Eri's door in case anything happens, or she wakes up in the middle of the night.
Hephaestus sitting in front of door hears soft sobbing from inside Eri's room causing Hephaestus to walk in seeing Eri having a Nightmare while activating her quirk.
Hephaestus running to Eri and holding her in his arms saying "Wake up Eri, everything is fine, its just a nightmare, nothing bad will happen to you" as Hephaestus says that Eri wakes up noticing she was using her quirk on Hephaestus and begins to panic.
"No get away from me! I don't want to accidentally kill you too." Eri Yells only to be met with Hephaestus laughing.
"Girly you could rewind me till you pass out from exhaustion and I would still be standing"
Eri confused noticing nothing was happening to Hephaestus.
"Ho-How are you ok?" She said in a soft surprised tone.
"I guess if you are going to joining our family since you don't have anywhere else to go, then it should be fine to tell you. I am Hephaestus the greek god of the forge, I'm thousands of years old and you sweetie could never hurt me with your quirk." Hephaestus said with a smile.
Eri confused as her quirk turns off asks "whats a greek god"
Hephaestus a little surprised explains "Gods are beings with near infinite power, and are usually the object of admiration or worship of humans. Some of Gods are good, some are monsters, and some are more neutral like me and and uncle Hades."
Eri's eyes widened in awe then realized what Hephaestus said earlier "wait you said you were adopting me? Even though Mom said I was a cursed child?" Izuku who was woken up by Eri's nightmare, and Hephaestus laughing ran through the door hearing the last thing Eri said "I told you don't talk about about yourself like that. You are a innocent child that deserves a happy life!" Izuku said busting through the door.
Eri looking a little sad, since she thought she disappointed Izuku.
"Raise your head Eri, Don't be upset you are in a safe place now, even the gods would think twice about breaking into." Hephaestus said with a laugh.
Izuku seeing the clock saying its 2 in the morning "Hey Eri want me to tell you a story to help you go back to bed?"
Eri curious "sure? What kind"
Izuku making up a story to calm Eri down "once upon a time there was once a adorable little girl. She lived a life of misery and sorrow. One day she was able to escape but was being chased by the bad people causing her sorrow. The girl kept running until she ran into a Demigod-"
Eri interrupted asking "what's a Demigod?"
Izuku with a smile saying "a child that was born from a human and a god."
Izuku continued the story "the little girl ran into a demigod. The demigod seeing the trouble the child was in tricked the bad people and brought the child home, giving her a new life where the demigod and his father who was a god would forever look after her and protect her. The end."
Eri saying "that sounds like me."
Izuku chuckled saying "yeah im not the best at stories so I wanted to tell you how your future would be now that you are freed from that bad man. You will live a happy life because you deserve to be happy, now can you smile for me."
Eri tries to smile but fails.
Izuku hugging eri after her attempted smile "Don't worry we will give you a reason to wish to smile"

Izuku and Hephaestus stayed with Eri till she fell asleep again. Izuku looking to his father "hey Dad do you think I should keep what I am from Mei any longer, I already know she is smart and kind enough to keep it a secret.
Hephaestus scratching his beard, pondering what to say. Then says "I don't see why not, I mean I only wanted you to keep it secret so my family and bad people wouldn't know about you, but since your strong enough to fight back and the Bast-" looks down at eri still a asleep "I mean you know who already knows then I see no problem, just don't go about bragging about being the son of a god that gets you into hot water."
Izuku smiles and hugs his dad and eventually falls asleep next to Eri, staying by her side so she sees that he is still with her. Hephaestus just sitting on the bed on his phone messaging Hades.
"Hey Hades guess what!"
"What Hephaestus? Whats got you so excited at what is supposed to be 3 in the morning where you are?"
"Well me and Inko are adopting a child tomorrow."
"Congrats, what do they look like can we see pictures or are you going to start looking tomorrow?"
Hephaestus taking a picture of Eri sleeping next to Izuku and sends the picture.
Hades responds back "oh my us she is adorable."
"Yeah she ran into Izuku earlier today away from a bastard that should burn in the fieriest pits of Tartarus for neglecting and abusing this poor child."
"Should I assume he will be coming here soon?"
"No. Izuku refuses to kill people, He has more restraint than me or mom"
"Speaking of which, hera finally came down to visit me in the underworld and I told her you came to visit and you had a wife and child. She was pissed she wasn't told sooner since she doesn't talk to anyone and refuses to use Godzone."
"Wait really I thought it was because she was upset I didn't tell her I left?"
"Nope she has been out of the loop for last few decades. Anyway next time you come to visit visit Hera she wants to see her grandkid well now its grandkids"
Hephaestus chuckling messaging back "will do, but if I see zeus Im going to finish what I started"
Hephaestus then jaut read a book for the rest of the night.

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