Chapter 21

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Izuku is laying awake in a hospital bed with bruises all around his neck wondering what his future holds for him. (I fucked up majorly. Not only did I shout I was a son of a god, but I also used fire magic out in the open. The worst part is the Hero who saved me is almost dead. I can't even help since I am so low on Mana I can't enchant anything for a few days. God damn it Izuku you just had to show off, now look at you? In a hospital room talking to your self and unable to do anything again!)
About an hour goes by and Izuku hears a knock at the door and sees his parents and Eri burst through the door yelling "What happened are you Ok?!" Only to see Izuku mostly fine just giant bruise around his neck from being strangled and tears down his cheeks from self loathing and criticizing himself mentally for his failures.
Hephaestus running to his child holding him saying softly "Everything is okay, what happened?"
Izuku shaking his head saying "everything isn't okay, the man who saved my life once before, is now knocking at deaths door. I am to blame since I thought it would be overkill and a bother to you if I called you because of a few hundred villains. I also refused to use my magic till I couldn't hide it anymore at the cost of others getting hurt, and in a moment of rage And trying to strike fear into the villain I announced I was the son of the greek god Hephaestus while unleashing a giant fire pillar. I-I am such a failure." Izuku bringing his knees to his face and crying into them.
Hephaestus hugging his child says "Is that all?" Hephaestus said like it didn't matter like he was expecting more.
Izuku looking up sniffling "what do you mean, The hero that saved me is dying, and I doubt he has long to live."
As Izuku said that Doctors and Nurses rush to a unknown hospital room saying "Were loosing him, someone get all Available staff. We can't loose the symbol of peace!"
Izuku remembering All Mights title goes wide eyed knowing All Might is going to die begins to cry harder.
Hephaestus still holding his son, and petting the back of his head trying to calm him down says "I think I know of a way to help him but it requires going to greece, and making sure nobody knows about All Mights... tragedy."
Izuku tears going down cheeks still asks "How?"
Hephaestus explaining "While uncle Hades may dislike letting Humans be revived he is also kind enough to give Mortals a chance to bring back another, through a simple test humans constantly fail."
Izuku curious wanting more information since he could revive All Might.
Hephaestus continued. "Its a simple trial really but it plays on human curiosity and anxiety. The trial is you have to find the underworld, which you have access to, and lead them back to the living world but you can not look at them. The curiosity and anxiety play in since you can't touch them, or hear there footsteps so everyone thinks Hades is tricking them making them turn around, failing the trial. So long story short never look at All Might when down there. Now you just have to call Hades to do this."
Izuku still with a few tears gets up and walks out of his hospital room and over to All Mights.
Nezu who was walking out of the room that Izuku believes to All Mights Room, is crying looks up to see Izuku in front of him.
"Oh Hello Midoriya, sorry but you can't see All Might at the Moment, he is busy recovering." Nezu said with a somber tone.
Izuku crouching to be at Eye level with Nezu says "I overheard the doctors, he isn't going to make it is he? I just want to see him."
Nezu shaking his head saying "Those Doctors need to be careful with sensitive information like that. I guess since you already know the situation mostly I may as well tell you. All Might died during Surgery. I am going to have schedule a meeting to discuss how to proceed from here."
Izuku clutching his chest knowing he is the reason this happened says "Give three days."
Nezu confused asks "Three days to grieve? I mean I think the school is going to close for a few weeks after todays incident."
Izuku shaking his head thinking about his inaction before decides to speak up now "Thats not what I meant. I know you have been looking into me wondering how I made weapons that could do the impossible, and probably add to the list how I was able to create pillars of fire despite not having a quirk."
Nezu knowing Aizawa was telling people was not surprised says "Are you going to tell me now?"
Izuku shaking his head again "A deal of sorts where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I want you to wait three days before making any decisions, let me see all mights body once, and in return I will bring him back and tell you everything you wish to know afterword. Deal" as Izuku pits his hand out gesturing to agree on the deal.
Nezu entirely confused yells "You can bring him back!"
Izuku putting his finger to his mouth gesturing for Nezu to be a little more quiet. Then says "I personally can't but My great uncle can. Do we have a deal?"
Nezu taking Izuku's hand, shaking it saying "Don't make me regret this, and Im coming with you to see everything my self."
Izuku having made the deal asks " where is the metal rod I handed to Thirteen? I am going to need that for this process."
Nezu confused responds "It was is currently in Thirteens possession since every time someone removed it she began to feel hellish pain. Why do you need that?"
Izuku facepalming not realizing Thirteen was passed out when he handed her the rod. "Ok so she is going to need the strongest pain killers or sedative so she will sleep through the pain because the longer she holds the rod the more the pain builds up."
Nezu rushing to a doctor to inform them of the situation, and the doctors listening since Nezu is the smartest being on the planet.
After a while Nezu returns with the rod saying "Why did you need it?"
Izuku going to All Mights room says "It can heal or in this case repair peoples bodies from any state but it causes the pain from the injury to multiply. The healing also isn't instant it will take a whole day to repair all the damage done to his body but in the meantime Im putting this in his hand so he doesn't die immediately after I get him back." Izuku putting the Rod in All Mights hand, and walks out the door to the exit gesturing for Nezu to follow.
Izuku then pulls out his phone scrolling to his Uncle Hermes and calls him. "Hey Uncle Hermes, I have a bit of a situation. Can you bring me to the underworld."
The other side of the conversation with Hermes "Oh what happened and why do you need to see Hades?"
Izuku looking around to see no one listening in besides Nezu Obviously responds "I owe a man a debt for saving my life and he died trying to save me again, so I need to go to the underworld to get him."
Hermes understanding opens a golden portal to Izuku and steps through. Hermes Immediately seeing Nezu says "you must be Principal Nezu of UA High school. Nice to meet you I am Izuku's Uncle Hermes."
Nezu looking upon the golden haired man with winged sneakers and a metal hat says to Izuku "How is he supposed to help, he just has a portal quirk?"
Hermes offended says "I am the guy who is going to take you both I assume to 'The Guy' who is going to help you. Unless you feel like flying to Greece, I am your best option for quick transport before the body of All Might starts to decay."
Nezu flinching asking "We have to go all the way to Greece!?"
Izuku brushing Nezu off saying "save all questions until the end of the journey."
Apollo opening a portal to the gates of the underworld saying "Welcome to the underworld home of Hades and Persephone, as well as all the denizens that die. Well at least in the greek section."
Izuku begins walking to The gates when he hears a loud rumbling sound.
Izuku looking o its source seeing The gates loyal guard dog Cerberus. Izuku raising his hand petting the giant three headed dog saying "Hey Cerberus, how are you. Have been a good boy?" Izuku said to the giant dog that immediately started rolling around.
Nezu freaking out because his animal instincts were screaming one thing. RUN. Nezu trying to ignore that knowing that if what Izuku said is true then All Might could be revived and he wanted to meet the man who could do such a task.
Hades hearing the noise opens the gate and sees his great Nephew, a weird rat bear thing, Hermes, and his Energetic pet. "Izuku, how have you been!? You didn't tell me you were coming to visit so what do I owe this grandious occasion to?"
Izuku looking up to his Uncle with a smile and a hug responds "I wanted to do the trial to bring back a soul."
Hades getting a bit more serious but not too serious just says "Normal circumstances would lead me to say no but since your my nephew and one of the few people not descendent of that bastard zeus I will let you do the trial. Now which soul are you reclaiming and if I may ask why."
Nezu a little surprised on how easy it sounds for someone to be brought back, chimes in asking "wait its that simple? I figured for a person with a quirk like reviving the dead it would be a more difficult to revive the dead since I have never heard of it?"
Hades seeing the rat bear thing talk shouts "What the Here! It talks?!"
Izuku just chuckles a bit saying "Uncle Hades this is Principle Nezu, and I have no clue what he is but he is the smartest creature on earth."
Hades regaining composure replies back to Nezu "Well Mr. Nezu, to correct a few things, first of which is I don't 'revive the dead' I simply let the soul return to there body, second its not a quirk, third I am still a little famous just not as who I am anymore. The last thing though is the fact of this being easy. This is usually a lot harder due to mortals not knowing how to reach the underworld, then having to get passed my dog, then convincing me to give them a chance at the trial which no human has succeeded in."
Nezu confused thinking (I'll have Izuku explain what he means later)
Hades then call someone saying "Hey Thanatos, can you check the recently deceased an see if we have one All-Might? Wait hold on I don't think thats his name give me a moment."
Hades turning to Izuku with his hand over the mic. "Hey what was his actual name?"
Izuku about to answer then realizes he never knew it, causing Nezu to chime in again saying "Toshinori Yagi. Check for that."
Hades giving the little rat bear a thumbs up then turning back toward the phone saying "Toshinori Yagi."
"Yes Izuku is planning to do the trial?"
"Izuku owes him a debt for saving his life I believe, according to what Hephaestus told me."

Sorry to everyone that enjoyed this series, but im moved over too Ao3 and will slowly be making new series and moving old one over to there.
This series will be rewritten and I apologize for leaving the story here, but I want to redo a large portion of this series.
Look for Gamemage on ao3

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