Just a description of the gods

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This is just a side note of what each of the gods look like.

A tall about 6'8 Man with short curly reddish brown hair. A majestic short brown beard that was singed at the bottom from working at his forge. White skin covered in soot, dirt, and oil from his many projects. Always wearing a black shirt and a pair of blue coveralls that are also stained in soot, dirt, and oil. He is also pretty muscular about the same muscle mass as all might, but doesn't care for fighting preferring to create. He has brown eyes.

A friendly guy, who loves his wife, and dog. Has grey skin, blue eyes, and short straight black hair that he can make look like blue fire if he wants to intimidate mortals. Loves wearing black suits and carrying a wooden skull cane. Just for appearance sake, the skull is carved wood. Very  lean body not looking as strong as he looks.

A kind loving wife of Hades. Has pink skin and hair. Her hair is long and straight going down to her waist. A slim figure. She loves wearing long pink, blue, and, grey dresses. Can always be found petting Cerberus and sometimes found drunk and crying that she only has two hands and he has three heads.

A lean muscular man. With long straight red hair that reaches his waist, red eyes and can always be found sporting a demented grin. Loves wearing a grey suit while wielding two desert eagles hand guns. He loves wearing black circular shades that only cover his eyes, and black dress shoes. Really petty and will declare war on anything that even slightly annoys or inconveniences him. Sadly the target of his wrath is fast food places.

Thats it for part 1 of the gods appearance and a little bit of personality.

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