Explanations, side things and descriptions

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Hello thank you for reading this, and sorry for it not being a normal chapter but this is just some extra things I wanted to add that I either forgot to add when writing or just world building.
Explanation: Hephaestus only kept the fact Izuku was a demigod a secret because he knew that if he told a child to keep it a secret they wouldn't and would tell everyone. If Izuku told people he was a demigod then not only would people think hes crazy but word would spread that there was a demigod in Japan. Hephaestus didn't want word to spread that he found a wife and had a child since if Zeus catches wind he could try to ruin his life. Hence why he was preparing a god killing sword before heading to Greece.
Izuku thinks he has to keep it secret still but since Zeus already knows he no longer has to keep it secret. Leading to him being frustrated that he almost let slip he was a Demigod and magic was real.
Side things. Or facts about this universes story
Eri doesn't wear her necklace to bed but wears a bracelet instead.
When Eri has a Nightmare and wakes up from it she usually runs to Izuku's room, since she thinks of him has her hero despite Izuku not wanting to be a hero.
Izuku doesn't know any heroes and only knows All might since he saved him and he wishes to repay the favor.
Hades and Persephone really care for Izuku since he is pretty calm and polite by god and demigod standards. The fact he isn't related to Zeus also helps.
The norse gods are dead, so they wont be mentioned or included. Ragnarok killed all the Norse gods. I was originally going to add Loki but I forgot they all are dead canonically in norse mythology.
Dionysus drinks with Yahweh and Jesus. Not important to the story just thought it would be funny since the greek god of wine hangs out with a god that turns water to wine.
Hermes is in charge of the gods internet and phone services. Its uses magic so it can't be tapped or jammed.
Hermes slipped his number into Izuku's phone at the party. Casually texts him. Izuku usually ignores him since they never actually talked.
The roman gods will not be mentioned due to them being repeats and copies of the greek gods.
No other gods will be met but Greek gods. Since The greek gods are confusing already

Descriptions. {If I already did a breif description of any of them its being retconned to this. Since I may have forgotten them}
Hermes. Blonde curly haired male. Appears to be caucasian in his 20's. Wears a silver helmet and track clothes with his still iconic winged shoes which are now winged sneakers.
Apollo. Blonde tan man who is in looks to be in his 30s. Prefers to wear white shorts and tank top. Was not at the party so he didn't meet Izuku.
Aphrodite. A woman with rose red hair that reaches her waist. Wears pink dresses. Has light pink skin.
Dionysus. Purple hair with curls. Wears jeans and a t-shirt and is usually drunk and gives his wine to random gods. Looks to be in his late 20s.
Zeus. White curly hair. Wears a classic toga and looks to be in his 70s. Constantly shapeshifts and tricks woman.
Hera. Blonde with short straight hair. Is depressed, and can be found usually in sweat pants and a t shirt and rarely leaves her room. Looks to be in her 40s. Did not meet Izuku because she doesn't check Godzone and almost never leaves her room.
Demeter: green straight hair looks to be 30. Hates Zeus, and dislikes Hades for taking her daughter away from her. Did go to the party but didn't talk to Izuku, mostly hung out with Persephone.
Athena. A giant Brown haired woman usually found in a blue blouse, and black dress pants. Did go to the party and met Izuku but only had a small chat. She doesn't feel anything about Izuku. Doesn't hate or like him. Just neutral.
Poseidon. Blue curly hair, looks to be in his 60s and has seafoam green skin.  Didn't go to the party since no one has him friended on Godzone.
Artemis. Blue straight hair and appears to be in her 30s. Wears cargo shorts and tank tops.

Thats it for now thanks for reading

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