Where am I?!

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A/n  YOOOOO I made a new friend  at the time I'm starting this, and I'm excited. Well, I consider him a friend at least, he probably doesn't see me as a friend yet. :( Anyway, I wanted to update now because he is offline rn and I'm bored. Enjoy!

I heard a strange whooshing noise, and when I looked up, what I saw surprised me. I saw a big blueish purpley coloured cloudy thing. It had sparkles all around it, like those magic things in movies. I think its a passage way of some sort? I stand up, and cautiously walk up to it. The closer I get, the louder the swooshing noise gets. I can feel the light on my face, along with the cloud below my feet. And the wind from the portal like thing was blowing my hair and my clothes all over. I usually would get frustrated and try to fix my hair, but I knew there was nothing I could do. I get closer, and closer, and with each step I can feel it get windier, and brighter. I finally stand directly in front of it, and it was so bright I couldn't see or open my eyes. I was afraid I'd go blind. I take another step forward, into the magical passage way. I can feel my body get really tingly, and the wind was blowing less. I saw an insanely bright white light, but I couldn't cover my eyes. Suddenly, after only a moment, the light dims, and I open my eyes. But I'm no longer in the hospital..

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