QnA (100 follows)

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I'm still taking questions for the next one that I do, along with suggestions for anything else I should do for my next milestone (200 followers)

Q. Most embarrassing story your comfortable sharing?

A. Uhm.. how about when I got caught by the police running from school so I didn't have to go home? Or maybe the time I got stung by a bee when I was hanging my legs over the edge of an apartment I lived in when I was younger while my mom smoked. Idk which is more embarrassing.

Q. What's your favorite food?

A. Hm.. I'm not sure tbh, but maybe pizza (pepperoni) or subway. :)

Q. Pronouns?

A. I use a lot of different pronouns interchangeably, but I usuallyuse they/them pronouns, though I'd appreciate if someone asked instead of assuming it was the same as the day before!

Q. Funniest childhood memory?

A. I'm not sure if anyone else finds this funny, but I think that the time I had a concussion when I was 1 is kinda funny! :D

Q. Time you got a paper cut?

A. Hm.. the only time I (kinda) remember was in class for free time or whatever, and I grabbed paper to draw, but when I grabbed the paper one of the other pages/maybe the paper I was  grabbing?? sliced my skin on my hand in between my fingers.

(Omg I'm already almost to the next milestone when I'm posting this)

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