What is this?

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(a/n) I might do a Q&A in the next chapter because I got 100 followers, so feel free to leave any questions here. :)

I sit there shocked and confused while the remaining concious bullies run away in fear, leaving the one that was thrown against a wall lying there unconscious. I get up trying to wrap my head around what just happened, and I head to school.

~☆Time skip☆~

When I get to school I head to my locker with my head down, knowing that no one there likes me. The kids here mock me all the time, and they all think I'm weird. I get to my locker and I put all my stuff in its place, before grabbing my books for my first of many classes. I'm in high school, when the hell did that happen? My first class was English, so I head up to the 2nd floor. My English teacher was actually pretty nice, and he was really relaxed. A lot of times we just watched movies and videos that had hidden lessons in it. He always has us write stuff we learn from it down and try and find the hidden message, but he's never mean if we don't get it right. A lot of the other kids are though. They laugh every time someone gets something wrong. This class was different though.. our teacher was late today, and then he seemed really off the whole class. I tried to ignore it though. Before I knew it, that class was over and I head back down to my next class. 1st floor, 3rd floor, 2nd floor, 5th floor, back down to 1st, then back up to 3rd. After my last class ends I head back down to my locker, but as soon as I get there, I start seeing spots. I hear distant voices screaming, but it sounded like they were echoing. The screaming only lasted for a moment, before everything turned black, and the last thing I heard was a THUMP as my body hit the hard tile floor.

345 words this time, this one was a bit longer. I still hope you guys enjoyed it, and make sure to leave questions here for the Q&A next chapter! I'll also be asking people on discord for questions if you'd rather ask them on there my discord is underl0veme123#8762

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