Chapter 9: Out of This World (Part I)

Start from the beginning

"Well everyone, this is Serena," Ash said as he gazed longingly into Serena's cerulean blue eyes. "... my girlfriend."

Everyone who didn't already know froze and didn't say anything in response. However, the silence didn't last long as a certain green-haired girl started getting really excited and was trying to hold back a squeal.

"Oh my Arceus! It's so great to finally meet you!" Mallow exclaimed as she shook Serena's hand. repeatedly. This caused Serena to giggle. She already liked Mallow. She had a very interesting personality and was overall a very enthusiastic person.

"Alola, Serena!" Everyone else greeted in unison after Mallow's little display of excitement.

Rotomdex was stunned by this development so he started taking pictures of both Ash and Serena together. This action caused both Ash and Serena to blush in embarrassment at the attention they were receiving.

"Oh, so you're the same Serena Ash would often talk about!" Sophocles mentioned as he rubbed his chin.

Serena blushed slightly more. "Ash... talks about me...?"

Mallow eagerly nodded, while Lana, Lillie, and Sophocles laughed in the background.

"Of course, you were all he could talk about during his time here!" Mallow said with a laugh. "It was honestly so cute! I shipped you two so hard!"

Now it was Ash's turn to blush a darker shade of red. "Alright, alright that's enough for now, you guys."

Ash looked around the classroom in an attempt to change the subject of the conversation. His eyes landed on the two people he was unfamiliar with. "Oh, hello. Who are you two?"

Hau stepped up as he felt that it was his duty to introduce the two people. "Oh Ash, meet Elio and Selene. They are recent transfer students from a Pokémon school in the eastern part of Melemele Island." Hau introduced with his usual laidback attitude. "They are also my best buds from childhood."

"Alola there! I'm Elio and this is my cousin, Selene." The boy known as Elio greeted with a cheery smile.

"Alola!" Selene greeted and waved right after.

"Hello, I'm Ash Ketchum from the Kanto region. This is my partner Pikachu and my girlfriend Serena and her own Pikachu." Ash said.

"Hi, I'm Serena!" Serena greeted right after her boyfriend.

"The name is Goh, nice to meet ya. These are my Pokémon Cinderace, Drizzile, and Grookey." Goh said as he pointed to each one of his Galar starter Pokémon.

"I'm Chloe and this is Eevee and Ponyta." Chloe introduced herself last. 

"Eevee-ve-voi!" Eevee barked out happily.

"Wow, that's such a cool Ponyta you have there! Is it the Galarian variation?" Sophocles asked as he admired the Pokémon. Chloe nodded in response.

"Well, It's always great to meet new people," Elio said after listening to all the introductions. He started looking them over one by one. When he started examining Ash, he nearly fell off the table. Elio's eyes brightened with realization. "No way..."

Ash, Serena, and everyone else looked at the navy-haired teenage boy with curiosity and confusion. Ash tilted his head.

"What's up, Elio?" Ash asked as he had no idea why Elio seemed to be so shocked and excited at the same time.

"YOU'RE THE ALOLA REGION'S REGIONAL CHAMPION!!!" Elio blurted out. He quickly grabbed his backpack and started digging around inside of it for something.

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