Chapter 2: Serena Comes to Town

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"Wow! Pallet Town looks as pretty as I remembered it to be!" Serena breathed, amazed by the view of the small peaceful town of the Kanto region. The view of the town reminded her of Vaniville Town in a way, more rural, yet it was peaceful and people obviously had great pride in the town. Not to mention that Pallet Town has one of the most influential and famous Pokémon researchers of all time.

"Amazing isn't it?" Ash said, standing right beside her. He had one of his arms around the honey-blonde's waist, while Pikachu was on his left shoulder. Serena had her own Pikachu on top of her head. 

"Pikachu!" Ash's Pikachu squeaked in agreement with Ash.

"Pika pika!" Serena's Pikachu squeaked, admiring the view of the town like her trainer. 

"You can say that again." another voice added.

Ash and Serena looked to their left to see their good friend, Brock. Brock parked his off-road vehicle near a parking lot located in the outskirts of the town. The three of them were currently standing on a hilltop, admiring the view of Ash's hometown.

"I never get tired of this view." Ash breathed out with a happy sigh. "It's so satisfying to stand up on this hill and gaze down at Pallet Town after a long journey."

Brock chuckled. "I know what you mean. It's the same with me and Pewter City."

Ash turned to Brock. "I still can't believe we journeyed together for four whole regions."

"We sure had a lot of great adventures," Brock responded. "I don't regret any of it. The culture, the Pokémon, the people, the Nurse Joys, the Officer Jennys-"

"Okay, you can stop right there Brock." Serena interrupted with a nervous giggle. "Though, I would love to hear more about what you and Ash went through in each journey. Ash told me a lot about his adventures, but getting another perspective would be awesome."

"For sure. But I think I'll tell you some stories another time. I better get going back to Pewter. My siblings and folks are planning a surprise birthday party for my younger brother, Salvadore." Brock said as he started jiggling his keys around.

"We understand. Send him our best wishes, buddy." Ash said, while offering a fist bump to Brock.

"Be sure to stop by Pewter City and Cerulean City, sometime," Brock responded as he ruffled Ash's raven-black hair instead of returning the fist bump.

"We will Brock. Misty still needs to meet Serena too." Ash pointed out. "And I'm planning to take her to meet a couple of my other friends in Vermilion city."

Brock gave Ash a small smile and nodded. He then turned to Serena. "I expect you to keep him out of trouble. He still has a long way to go when maturing."

"I will." Serena said with a giggle. She then proceeded to give Brock a tight hug. "Thank you for everything."

"It's a pleasure. It's not every day where you can be the driver for the girlfriend of Ash Ketchum." Brock replied, while returning the hug quickly before departing from it. "Oh yeah, there's just one more thing."

The couple watched as Brock opened up his large backpack and pulled out a container. It appeared to have some sort of pastry in it.

"What is that, Brock?" Serena asked with curiosity.

"Ta-da! These are my famous, jelly-filled doughnuts!" Brock declared with pride. He handed over the container to Serena before putting on his backpack again. "Think of it as a welcoming gift for the both of you and to celebrate your union as a couple."

"That's very nice of you, Brock. Thanks." Serena replied with her signature smile.

"Brock's food is always good. We can have some when we get back home." Ash said with praise.

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