Chapter 8: Reconciling Relationships

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"I think we should break up..." Ash said in a clear and loud voice, while attempting to keep a straight face as he said that. He didn't dare to break down, even though he wanted to...

Serena froze in place as if she was petrified by the destruction Pokémon, Yveltal itself. After a few seconds, she shook it off and decided that her ears were most likely deceiving her.

"Ash, could you please repeat that, I don't think I heard you correctly..." Serena asked the raven-haired teenager with a nervous tone evident in her voice. She hoped that it wasn't denial and she actually misheard what her boyfriend said.

Ash gulped and took in a deep breath of oxygen as he mentally prepared himself to repeat his words. The first time he said them caused his heart to snap in half and made him feel even worse than before. He looked straight into Serena's cerulean blue eyes.

"S-Serena... I think we should... take a break from our relationship." Ash said, attempting to make sure his words were as loud and clear as possible. He felt another sudden twinge of pain and regret in his heart. Maybe this isn't what he was supposed to do and he is making the worst decision of his life.

Ash continued to stare at Serena's face. It appeared emotionless and pale like a sheet of white paper. The expression on her face caused Ash's face to soften to the point where he had to avert his gaze. He failed to notice the honey-blonde girl trembling and her hands starting to move towards him.





The loud noise startled some nearby Pidgey, causing them to flee from the shades of the trees and fly off in the distance.

The raven-haired teenager was shaken and nearly fell to the ground. He felt a stinging sensation on his left cheek, which prompted him to cup it with one of his hands. Ouch! That girl can surely pack a punch with her usually gentle hands.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!" Serena shouted out with her hands closed into trembling fists that hung on her sides. "Whatever you have on your mind, we will face it together... I won't give up till it's over!"

Ash watched Serena with a stunned expression as he continued to rub his cheek with his hand. He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but no words were produced. Instead, the wind blew and sent some air into his lungs.

Serena could see that he was processing her words and was carefully thinking of some sort of response to provide her with. As her heartbeats continued to rise with the uneasy tension in the atmosphere, she decided to speak up again. "Ash... you can't break up with me... you are my boyfriend..."

"But I was being an irresponsible boyfriend!" Ash protested bitterly. "You deserve better than me!" It hurt Ash to say that last part, but at the moment he felt pathetic.

"You're wrong! I deserve you and nobody else!" Serena shot back as she crossed her arms in defiance. "Ash, you are the perfect boyfriend and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"How good am I to you if I couldn't even protect you when Heracross went on his little mega evolution power trip...?" Ash asked, his words trailing off slightly.

Serena gasped. "So is this what it's all about? Is the incident the reason why you have been acting strangely for the past day?"

Ash sighed and reluctantly nodded his head.

Serena's expression softened as she pitied her boyfriend who was experiencing his inner turmoil. Her frustration had simply vanished from thin air as her mind was filled with sympathy and determination to make her boyfriend feel better.

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