
Start from the beginning

Realizing what I had said, I hung my head lower. She's right... It was me who left her. I didn't call or write... Why did I just say it like that?

"I know... It was me who left... I meant it would hurt me if we were separted again."

"Jimin... You hurt my feelings. I love you very much, but you said really mean things. You even interfered in Naeun Unnie and Jin's relationship."

"It'll never happen again. Please forgive me."

I wait for what feels like forever with no sound from her. Is she really not going to give me a chance? Is our friendship over for her? When I can't take it anymore I lift my face to see her looking at me with a tear running down her cheek. Quickly I reach out and wipe it away.

"Please Haerin-ah... I will never make you cry again. You're my best friend... I was scared and stupid, but I shouldn't have said what I did."

I was stunned when she threw herself onto me, but I held her in my arms. We both cried a little, and my heart felt lighter.

"I'm sorry I thought of running away Jimin... I am just tired of feeling like I'm the reason you all could be hurt..."

"You aren't. We love you Hae... Not just me and Jeongguk, but the other members also. You're part of our family now Haerin."

"I've been telling her that too..."

I hear Jeongguk's voice and Haerin turns to see him standing near us. We stand and she moves into his arms, cuddling into his chest. I can't help but grin that things are as they should be. Looking at a smiling Yoongi Hyung, I mouth a 'thank you' to him. He gave me a nod, and turned to play with his music again.


Jin and I are sitting in the restaurant where I agreed to meet Mrs. Choi. I still haven't told Haerin anything about her mother, because I'm not convinced that she will not hurt my friend again. Jin decided to come along to try and get an idea of what I should do. I look up to see the woman approaching, and a wave of nerves flows through me. This woman tore Haerin apart...

When she's seated, I introduce her to Jin. He's polite, and bows his head in respect. I still haven't as I'm not sure she deserves it.

"How's Haerin? When can I meet her?"

"She... I don't know. To be honest, I haven't told her about you. I'm worried that she will not take it well."

"I see... What can I do Naeun-ssi? I'm willing to beg... I know that I was an awful mother... I know that I hurt her, and it will take alot for her to forgive me... But I want to try. Won't you help me?"

I see Jin watching her, and his eyes seem to soften at her words. She has her head hanging low, hands fiddling in her lap. She is the epitome of her daughter when she's nervous. A sigh escapes my mouth because I feel like she's being genuine.

"I will do what I can Mrs. Choi... I can't promise anything, because so many things have happened... But I will speak to her, and ask her to at least meet with you."

"Thank you Naeun... I appreciate this more than you can imagine."

The evening continues, and the 3 of us enjoy our meal with light conversation. My mind was busy with how I could bring this up to Haerin, when a voice made me jump.

"Hyung? What are you doing here? And with her..."

When I turn, I cower a little at the anger displayed on Jeongguk's face. He has a to-go bag in his hand, and I know that it's dinner for Haerin and the kids. Many thoughts begin to bombard my mind giving me an instant headache.

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