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A week has gone by, and I haven't seen Haerin or Naeun Noona. I want to apologize to them for my outburst, but they are both avoiding me. Jeongguk and Jin Hyung have made up with them, so it's just me that's left... I even went so far as to call my mother to get advice. She was so thrilled that I did that, and happily told me how I should approach my friend. Now I just need to figure out how to get her on her own...

"Jimin-ssi? You ok?"

"Hey Yoongi Hyung... I'm just thinking."

"You still haven't talked to Haerin?"

"No... She's avoiding me..."

"Do you need help?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she agreed to meet me at my studio this afternoon. I'm going to teach her some production techniques. You could show up there, and she won't be able to avoid you."

"Really? Thank you Hyung!"

If he wouldn't freak out, I would have hugged Yoongi Hyung. I hope that Haerin won't run away when I get there. I just really want to apologize and tell her how much she means to me. I know she's having alot of hormone issues right now, so who knows how she'll respond to me.

I heard the Hyungs talking about how Jeongguk is thinking he wants to move up the wedding. They were saying how he wanted it small, and before Haerin's belly got too big. I'm sad to think that noone is talking to me about it, but I understand. I screwed up... I let my fear of losing my best friend again take over, and I lashed out instead of talking. I need to fix it...


Yoongi Hyung's song is booming through the speakers as I enter his studio. I see he is showing Haerin something at the mixing board, so I hang back. I get startled when a hand lands on my shoulder though. I turn to see Jeongguk. He is just smiling at Haerin and Yoongi Hyung.

"Why did you come Jimin-ssi?"

"Ah... You scared me Jeongguk-ah..."

He's known me for years, and just laughs at my dramatics. I slap his arm, clutching my chest in fake alarm, just smiling at my friend. An arm snakes around my neck in a teasing head lock, pulling me to sit on the couch. I hope Haerin will be as welcoming as Jeongguk is right now.

"The song sounds amazing!"

"Yeah! Hyung is awesome... And Haerin has actually made some cool suggestions..."

We sit together and wait for them to finish what they're doing. I appreciate that Jeongguk knows I'm here to apologize, but doesn't mention it. He is treating me just like he always does, and I'm sure he'll have my back with Haerin if need be. The 3 of us have a special bond, and I hope I can fix my end of it...

When the music dies down, Haerin spins her chair as she's asking how the song sounds. As she sees me, she immediately stops talking, stabbing my heart. I stand, to not be a coward, and take a step towards her.


"Hi Hae."

"Why are you here?"

"I was hoping we could talk Haerin-ah. Will you not listen to me?"

She looked at Jeongguk instead of me, and I had to bite down on my tongue to stop the tears. Yoongi Hyung turns to me, and sends me a wink, giving me some confidence. Standing, I approach my best friend, and kneel before her in submission.

"Please Haerin... Forgive me. I know I reacted badly. I just didn't know how to express how badly it would hurt me if you left again."

"Again? I didn't leave you ever Jimin-ssi!"

collateral damage 🔞 - COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang