two: welcome

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"Okay." Morgan looked around the entryway inside their new house. "I would never live here if I had a choice."

"I'm guessing it's not just because our parents are moving in?" Penelope bumped him with her arm, giving him a sly smile.

JJ laughed quietly and turned to Rossi and Hotch, who were slightly behind them. "Yeah, mom and dad. How do you feel about having to move in with all your kids?"

Rossi shook hid head. "I'm guessing I'm mom?" 

"Well if we're the parents it just means that we get to decide when their bedtime is." Hotch said, a small smirk forming on his face.

Morgan shook his head. "Nah, man, I don't think the neighbors are gonna buy that Rossi is our mom." He turned, jokingly raising his hands. "Not that you wouldn't make a wonderful mother, of course."

The man that they had been introduced to as Arthur Banks (who was their Witness Protection escort and guard) walked into the house holding a couple bags. "While I'm sure you would all be good enough actors to make the neighbors believe that you are all one normal family, we've decided on your cover. And your other identities."

"Are we going to learn them when Emily and Spencer get here?" Penelope asked, setting down a box.

Arthur shook his head. "I'm sorry, but Agents Prentiss and Reid missed their flight when some testing on Dr Reid went longer than they thought it would. They believe he also has retrograde amnesia. After his concussion and a seizure? They say he's lucky to just need some bed rest at this point. They're being put on another flight here, but since it won't be here for at least a few hours we'll just go over it again when they get here." He looked around at the agents' worried faces. "The doctors are optimistic. Please don't worry too much."

The agents followed him through the relatively large house (not too big to pop out at people, not so nice that people would notice it) and each found their rooms, which, since the house wasn't so large, they would have to share.

After they set some boxes and bags down in their rooms (they hadn't actually decided where they were going to sleep, they were just trying to get stuff out of the way) everyone met in the sitting room. 

"Alright, everyone. I'm just going to go through and give you your new names, some information on your 'past', and a birth certificate, driver's license, you know, that kind of stuff." Arthur pulled out a small brief case. "Okay, Aaron Hotchner, you are Adam Jones." He gave Hotch his birth certificate, a small folder with information on his 'parents', 'siblings', etc, and a driver's license. "You are also married to Meredith Jones." Arthur handed him a wedding ring. "You've just joined a new law firm and moved with your friends who are also here to start over on life or just looking for better opportunities."

Arthur then turned to Rossi. "David Rossi, you are now Daniel Thomas." After handing him his folder and a wedding ring, he continued. "Your wife of twenty years died recently and you still wear your ring because you stand by your wedding vows and plan to love her until you also depart from life. You moved here with your step son, Henry Blake, and his wife, Mia Blake."

"Now, Derek Morgan, you are..." He looked down at the page, then look up and shook his head. "I wish I had some say in these names because this just isn't fitting at all."

"What is it?" Morgan asked, slightly concerned.

"Samuel, Samuel Danes." Arthur shook his head and handed him his file. "Maybe get a nickname." 

"Oh, I got plenty of those." Penelope grinned.

"Okay, great." Arthur smiled tiredly. He turned back to Morgan and finished, "You have a fiancee, Alexa Rogers."

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