Chapter 30: Before

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I stayed up for another entire hour thinking about that boy. That stupid striped symmetrical skinny skater boy. I hate that my heart races like this just knowing he's sleeping in the room next to me. There's no way I can handle living here. Even once I fell asleep, I still dreamt about him. I hate it. I hate that it feels nice.


I wake up surprisingly late into the day. It's already noon. At least the party doesn't start until 4. I head to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. Once I'm done, I head back to my room to change, but decide to stay in my pajamas until I need to get my clothes on for the party.

Liz and Patty greet me when I come downstairs, and let me know that there's some food in the fridge I might like. I eat my breakfast, even though it's lunchtime.

"Kid still isn't awake yet," Patty tells me.

"Really? I would've expected him to be a morning person,"

"You're lucky you haven't seen Tired Kid," Liz says to me and Patty laughs.

"He sleeps in late when he gets the chance," Patty tells me.

"Here," She stands up, "We'll teach you how to make his coffee so you never have to see that side of him," I laugh and she shows me everything I need to do.

"Just press the button when he comes downstairs and it'll be ready for him," I turn the mug so it sits symmetrically under the coffee pot. While I wait for him, I lean against the counter and stare at my phone mindlessly.

I hear a small yawn, "Hey Liz, Patty," I look up and watch Kid rub his eyes.

"Good morning, (Y/n)," I press the button behind me, hoping to avoid this 'Tired Kid'. He yawns again and looks around for food. His clothes are baggy, yet surprisingly symmetrical, and even though his hair is messed up, it's all in place. He grabs himself a banana and leans against the counter to eat it. I can't keep my gaze from lingering around his mouth. My chest tightens every time he takes a bite. His neck moves up and down every time he swallows and I think mine does too. Once I realize I've been staring, I spin around to the coffee pot and grab the mug. He tosses his peel in the trash and I walk over with the coffee in my hands.

"Is this for me?" His eyes are still tired.

"Yeah, Liz showed me how to do it,"

"Thank you," He smiles at me and wraps his hands around the small white mug. I watch him take his first sip before stepping away. He looks up from the coffee and his golden eyes stare into mine while he takes his next sip. When he lowers the mug, he reveals a small smile in my direction. The sensation I feel in my chest is strong.

"You guys want to watch a couple episodes of...whatever that show is called...before we have to get ready?" Liz asks us all.

"I have no clue what show we're talking about, but I'm down," I tell her.

"Yeah!" Patty stands up and waves me down, "We'll show you where we like to watch."

I follow her where she leads me, and Kid lingers behind, the coffee still hasn't kicked in.

She leads me into a room filled with comfortable looking furniture. There's couches and beanbags, as well as other fun chairs. This is the room Kid said he likes to have people hang out in. I hadn't noticed the giant TV above the doorway. We all find a spot to sit down in. Liz on a beanbag, Patty in a chair, and Kid and I on the couch.

While Liz turns on the TV and searches for the show, Patty explains the plot to me so I won't be too confused about it. I've seen a couple episodes of it on TV, so I'm not too lost.

We watch for a while, but I'm not too interested. I'm more worried about how close Kid is sitting next to me. The fabric of his shirt sleeve brushes against my shoulder, and it completely takes over my brain. I stare at the TV without moving. My chest tightens when I feel his forearm against mine. When I finally look over to him, I notice he's staring at his coffee, paying no attention to the show. His thumbs slide around the mug and his fingers tap randomly. His eyes peek in my direction for a second before returning to his drink. Those golden eyes continue to glance over and their honey color gets the best of me. My breath gets irregular and I stare at their beauty. He squints for a moment, and opens his eyes, fully awake now. His head turns in my direction and his lips part slowly into a smile. His hand waves to me from above his mug and I look away. He caught me staring.

One of his hands lets go of the mug and sits by his side, right against mine. His ring is cold against my fingers.

"We should start getting ready," Liz's voice breaks my trance. We all check our phones, and she's right. It's 2:50. We all stand up and head to our rooms to get ready. Liz stops me on the way up.

"I'm gonna have to stick with you to make sure you don't spoil the surprise for yourself or Kid,"

"You're so...I don't even know," I roll my eyes at her. She laughs and we head to my room to get ready. She stands in the doorway and tells me, "I'm gonna go put on my dress, don't come out here until I'm back. You can get your stuff on while I'm changing."

She closes the door and I go to my closet to find the clothes I bought. They're still in the bag because Kid helped me unpack and I couldn't show him. I take off my pajamas and put on my new outfit. I step in front of the mirror on the vanity and check out how I look. I adjust where a couple things are sitting on my body and smile. It looks better than I thought it was going to. Honestly, I'm excited. I sit down at the vanity and fix myself up a bit, I still look surprisingly tired.

Liz knocks at my door. "Come in," I tell her. She's in the doorway wearing a red satin dress and tall black heels.

"You look nice," I step aside for her to come in.

"Thanks, you too," She smiles. I blush a bit and stand up. Liz leans into the mirror and moves a few strands of hair around.

"The plan is for the two of us to leave first," She looks up, "We're also taking a different route to avoid spoiling our surprise,"

"It's Death the freaking Kid, how big of a surprise could it be?"

"We're working on it," She winks at me.

"What does that mean?!" The girl only smiles and sits down, avoiding answering.

"Liz!" She giggles and I roll my eyes. It's only clothes, the only shocking thing would be him showing up dressed poorly. The boy has money, so it's not like him being nicely dressed is that special.

"I'm gonna do my eyeliner, and then we'll go," Liz picks up a small black liner next to her and walks over to the mirror again.

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