Chapter 6: Doodling

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I toss my bag on the floor next to me and pull out a notebook and a pencil. If I'm gonna be sitting in the back alone, I might as well draw. I doodle everything on my mind, which starts off as just flowers and swirls, and eventually daggers. My pencils scrapes across the page, and before I even know it, I've got a cartoon version of Kid on my page. The stripes are evidently his.

The girl with the pigtails from earlier leans with her chest against the table and a smile on her face. I smile back, flip my page, and keep drawing. I'm not exactly looking forward to making friends. It'll just make getting kicked out feel worse.

"Hi! I'm Maka," She holds out her hand. I lean closer into my paper and wiggle my fingers and wave at her, but don't make an effort to continue the talk.

"I'm (y/n)." I scribble a couple lines on the page, but nothing really connects, it's all just ugly lines.
"What are you drawing, (y/n)?" Will this girl ever give up? I already got the help I needed getting to my class, why are people still talking to me.

"Just some doodles," I mumble and avoid eye contact.

"...We'll, if you need any help with anything, don't be afraid to ask me for anything!" How is she so preppy right now? It's 7 in the morning!

I sit here zoned out with my pencil to the paper as the rest of the students file into their spots. As the classroom gets louder, I'm a little more conscious of my actions, and realize what I'd been drawing. There's about 4 and a half more Death the Kids.

Did I really miss talking to people that much?

I flip the page to avoid anyone getting the wrong idea about it. I sit with my elbows on the table and rest my head in my hands. I stare off towards the board until a man in a chair rolls in and falls. "Damn it," he exclaims as he stands back up and rolls his chair to his desk.

Is this guy for real? That better not be the teacher.

I don't pay attention to much of what he says, all I know is he's doing some dissection or something. I peer around the room and take note of people. Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty are all in the front row, and the center too. The girl who came up to me earlier is a row above him, and the boy that came with him is next to her. Some kid over there has weird spiky hair and up higher there's some kid whose hair is blue.

After a lot of not paying attention, I realize he's moving on from his dissection and beginning a lecture. I probably want to listen to this.

"Maka, Kid, Black☆Star," Dr. Stein begins, "Could you three come down here with your weapons?" I have no clue what that means, but Liz, Patty, and two other people come down as well.

"We're going to work on your soul resonance," I write down the words 'soul resonance' at the top of my page, but I don't know how much of this I'm going to even understand at all.

"You three know what to do."

Liz and Patty...turn into guns??? And I thought my weapon problem was weird. Kid wields the two guns with one in each hand. The boy next to Maka transforms into a large black and red scythe, which, is honestly kind of cool. The tall girl becomes two small blades connected by a chain, and the blue haired boy holds her in a dramatic stance. I'm not sure what resonating is, but is seems pretty intense.

The pigtail girl calls to her scythe, "All right, Soul, are you ready?" The tree of them all begin to concentrate very hard, and I try to take notes, but they don't make sense.

Here's what I have written on my page so far:
Soul Resonance

Liz/Patty —> guns??
White hair boy —> big scythe for pigtail girl
black ponytail—> knives with a chain? blue boy

i don't know what's going on


Apparently they did it, but I'm still really confused. I'm still not 100% on what a soul even is. Like, people talk about souls but...not as a real thing?? I scratch a note onto my page that says "ask someone to explain souls" so I'll remember it later.

Dr. Stein let's us out of class, so I pack my things into my bag and wait for a few people to clear out before leaving.

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