Chapter 3: Dreaming

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My mom helped me carry my things out of the car, but left without helping me unpack anything. She said she wanted to get home before 9, but was that really more important than setting me up to live on my own?

I shove most of my clothes into the closet without unpacking them all, I only took out the items I wanted to wear for tomorrow and promised myself I'd unpack the next day.

The space they provided is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. There's a small kitchen and my bedroom has a door that separates it. The bathroom is roomy considering how big the shower is. The only issue is laundry, that's in the basement of the building.

I toss the rest of my belongings in drawers and on tables and check my phone to figure out where this school is even located.

"This is what it looks like?" I have a blurry image pulled up on my phone of the large school, not yet comprehending the scale.

As I scroll through messages from my mom about where my class is in the building, I see one that says someone will help lead me through my first day. I sigh out of relief and close the tab. After setting an alarm, I lay my head down on the creaky bed and fall asleep.


A young voice calls out to me, "(y/n)! Please! I don't know what's going on!" but my eyes are still closed. A scream can be heard from the same child. What is going on??

I wake up, shaken. Worried if the voice was real or a dream.

"It's okay." I say it mostly to myself, but also to reassure whoever that was in my dream. Checking the time, I realize it's only 1:30, and lay myself down again. A warm comforting feeling takes over me, and I have no issue falling back asleep.

"Thank you, (y/n)."

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