Chapter 23: Death the Asymmetrical (Kid's POV)

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"Good luck," I say to (Y/n) and skate away while they struggle to stay on their feet. I circle around quickly to get a couple feet behind them. Once they've finally got their balance, I skate over as fast as I can and grab them in my arms. I spin us around, holding them close to me and we stop at the center of the curve in the rink. I press (Y/n) against the railing, symmetrically, of course. I see my yellow eyes reflecting in theirs. I smile and laugh quietly, pleased with the look I've created on their face.

"You asymmetrical prick," (Y/n) tells me and shoves me off of them, only for me to be surprised by their next move. They spin me around and pin me against the railing exactly where I had them stuck. (Y/n) restrains my arms and leans in even closer than I had. My face is surely pink by now. My butterflies fly farther than just in my stomach, and my body feels hot.

"I'm not good enough at skating to stand still like this," They tell me, just seconds before they slip. I grab them at the top of their arms, and hold onto them until they're comfortably back on their feet. I take hold of (Y/n)'s hand once again and pretend as if I didn't just totally freak out.

Once the mood has become less tense, we meet up with Liz and Patty in the rink, and skate around as a group. (Y/n)'s hand reaches into my back pocket again. I'm never going to get used to the shock of that. They take my phone and hold it up, snapping a picture of the four of us, as well as Black*Star falling in the background. That part was unintentional.

"Send it to me," (Y/n) says as they hand me back my phone.

"I don't have your number," I slow down and unlock my phone. (Y/n) grabs my hand that's holding the phone, and looks through it while I still have it in my grip. They open up my messages app, and shows me where I have their contact.

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"Why would you use that emoji?" When I say that, (Y/n) starts laughing and Liz and Patty slide over to see what I was talking about.

"I knew you would hate it," (Y/n) tells me, still giggling about it. Liz and Patty both start laughing too, and have to slow down to be sure they don't fall. I roll my eyes and open the text conversation. I click on the photos button and select the one they had just taken. After sending it, I scroll up to see what (Y/n) had sent themself from my phone. One of the pictures was of the sky we had flown in, and the other three were selfies. They made a kissy face in one of them, and the other too were just simple smiles. Their hair covers part of their face, and my head is turned the other way, so my hair gets in the way of the image too. I stare for a bit longer, then slide the phone back into my pocket, and turn to (Y/n). I fix a few strands of their hair.

"Sorry, the image reminded me of how asymmetrical you are," I tease.

"Maybe you're not that awful at teasing," They roll their eyes sarcastically and speed up for us to skate one last lap in the rink. Liz and Patty don't bother going for another, and leave once they reach the exit.

As (Y/n) and I slide around on our last lap, they grab my other hand and we skate, looking directly at each other. (Y/n) is the one pushing us, and I skate backwards without moving my feet. My hair waving as we circle the rink blocks my view of them, but I ignore it, and stare right into those (e/c) eyes of theirs.

"Looks like someone finally learned how to skate," I joke.

"Looks like someone's 'bout to get let go of," They joke with me and let go of my hands. I spin around as they start speeding for the exit. I run right after them, not wanting to lose this undeclared race. They catch themself on the railing once they get to the edge of the wood and turn around to see me coming towards them. I slow down once I realize I've lost, and take my time getting there.

"I still can't walk on the carpet," They scratch their neck.

"I've got you," I smile and step out of the rink. (Y/n) grabs onto my arms, and I pull them out. I wrap them in a hug as we get out. Not for any weird reason, just because it's the best way to keep them on their feet. I slowly pull my arms away from them, then wrap one around their waist. We skate over to the bench and I sit them down. I place myself next to them, and we remove our shoes. I want to stay here on this bench with them forever. My hand sits on the bench while I pull off my other shoe, and (Y/n)'s lands on top of mine. Their warmth shoots through me where our hands meet. I look up to see their eyes staring down at me. Their smile greets me and my heart stops for another moment.

"Kid, (Y/n), hurry up, we wanna go get food," Maka's voice calls from a few feet away.

I take (Y/n)'s skates, and bring them back their shoes from earlier. I look over and see the group passing around Patty's phone. She's probably showing them the image she showed me earlier. The one...of us...together...of (Y/n)...leaning...

My chest gets tight again as I think back to that moment.

"Kid? You good? Your face is getting kinda red," (Y/n) says from the bench. I press my hands against my cheeks to check how warm it is. It's definitely hot.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I lie.

"So what's up with Dr. Stein and those stitches?" They start a new conversation, and we talk as we walk over to where the rest of the group is waiting.

We walk out of the building, and it's gotten so much darker. The moon is out now, and the sun is close to setting soon. I stare at the sky, not a single cloud has fallen out of place since we were up there. I smile at the symmetry, or possibly that the thought of being in the sky with (Y/n) again. I'm not sure.

(Y/n) checks their phone and opens up the messages from my phone. I watch as they save each individual image to their photos. They walk over to me, and hold the phone out in front of me.

"What do you want me to put as your contact?" The ask me. I've never thought about it, I have no ideas.

"We already know I'm not creative." I state blatantly.  They chuckle and pull the phone away.

"I've got an idea," They create a new contact and type in the box. The hold the phone out for me to see.

Death the Asymmetrical
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"I was gonna put in an asymmetrical emoji too, but I felt like that'd be going a little too far. Don't want to hurt your tiny brain with asymmetry,"

"I've got something I want to add," I say. They hand me their phone with the contact open. When I look at their messages, they're practically empty. The only ones they have are from me, their mother, and one from someone who I believe to be their sister. At least, that's what I think 'Sis' would be. I hand them back their phone with my update added to the name.

Death the Asymmetrical🥵
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"Man, I hate you," They joke.

"You did this to yourself," I smirk. They punch me playfully and slide their phone back into their pocket.

Without any warning, I take the phone out of their back pocket, just like they often did to me. Their head jerks when it first happens, but then they sigh when they realize it's what they had been doing. I take a quick selfie of myself, and then one of myself with them in the background. I send the two images to myself, and then take one last one before closing the phone. I make a kissy face at them and snap the picture. I slide the phone back into their pocket non-stealthily.

We arrive at the restaurant we planned on getting food at. Just simple fast food.

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