Chapter 42: Testing Abilities

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"So, how are things going with your boyfriend?"

Clara raised an eyebrow at Chloe who was smirking at her over the screen of her Torch computer. Clara had told Chloe about "coming out" to Lex on Monday, and although they couldn't say his name in public (Clara and Lex wanted to keep things away from the media for now) Chloe was having a field day teasing Clara.

"I don't think you can really call him a boy, but he's great. I'm seeing him on Saturday, we're going to walk the dogs together."

"That sounds thrilling. Are there any other physical activities transpiring? I never asked" said Chloe coyly "Are you being safe?"

The pencil Clara had been writing with was suddenly obliterated into splinters and she went bright red, glaring at Chloe over her article on the preparations for the upcoming Cheerleader tryouts.

"You know we're not doing...that!L-My boyfriend understands I need time, we're just getting used to our new relationship. As for being "safe", I have no idea whether I can even get pregnant by a human. While I may look the same on the outside, inside, genetically speaking, I'm very different. You know I've never even had a period, for all I know, I might be infertile, or at least incompatible with humans."

Clara became pensive. She'd done some research on cross species breeding, and if they could produce offspring, often they were infertile. If she and Lex ever got to the point in their relationship where they wanted to have children, they would have to be some scientific investigations. But deep in her heart, though she didn't fully realise it herself, Clara had the hope of one day marshalling a brood of red heads.

Chloe noticed the change in tone and intervened "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sensitive subject. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be little Kent's in the future, even if you have to adopt. It worked out well for your parents didn't it? By the way, how are your parents taking it?"

Martha Kent seemed perfectly at ease with Clara's new relationship, even offering to have Lex over for dinner sometime soon, which he appreciated but declined until things had cooled down. Jonathan Kent had remained silent on the subject after their initial "talk", and was handling it the way he always did, stoically working himself to the bone, at least in front of Clara. Clara told Chloe as much.

"Well, your daughter's first boyfriend is always hard. Even if he wasn't a..." Chloe glanced at the open door of The Torch office with students walking past "you-know-what I think your Dad has to dislike him on principle. I'm lucky I was in Metropolis when I met Jimmy, I don't know what my Dad would have done."

Clara took the change of subject eagerly.

"So, have you heard from him at all?"

"I get an e-mail now and then, but we were never serious. He finished his internship and is a junior photographer now. I might look him up once I'm at Metro-U."

Chloe, while capable of getting into any College in the country, was set on studying journalism at Metro-U like Clara. Chloe has always been a city girl in her heart, she was intent on returning to the rat race. Clara knew while she may end up living in Metropolis, her heart would always belong to the golden fields of Smallville.

"How is your S.A.T. prep going?"

Chloe looked up from her article on the new cafeteria menu.

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