Chapter 15: Apple Pie

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Clara lay on the cold, crisp grass, the blades prickled at her skin, almost making her ticklish. The sky was clear above, not a cloud dared to cross the crystal blue, but the sun did nothing to diminish the chill that clung to the air. Clara heard footsteps crunching in the distance, and sat up; suddenly realising she wasn't in her front yard, but on the dirt road next to Riley Field. Clara stood up and vaguely noticed she was wearing a white knee length dress and no shoes, that was odd. Rustling came from the corn stalks and she looked up from her skirt to catch a glimpse of a bald man in a white suit walking into the sea of gold.



Clara heard the harsh call of a crow echoing into the distance and it flew after Lex into the field. Clara followed, dirt road gave way to earth and fallen chaff, her hands brushed away stray stalks as they caught in her hair and tickled her shoulders. She walked for what seemed like miles until she glimpsed Lex's white suit again in the distance and sped up, she couldn't seem to catch up, even at full speed, he was always a little ahead of her. She heard a clap of thunder and the sky above was no longer blue, but tumultuous. Clara glimpsed Lex leaving the path, she followed pushing the stalks aside...

Clara walked out onto the roof of the Daily Planet, the door closing behind her on the rural scene. She didn't feel the cold of cement, her feet were covered, she glanced down, and she wasn't wearing a dress, she had red boots on, and her legs were clad in blue. Clara walked further into the roof area, seeing no sign of Lex, the breeze fluttered something behind her, causing it to tug on her shoulder and flap. Clara looked out on the magnificence of Metropolis, the orange and pinks of sunset glistening of the metal and glass of the buildings. The door behind her opened and closed with a slam and Clara turned, a swathe of material folding round her until it caught the wind, flying behind her again. Lex stood before her in a white tailored suit, his hands reaching out in supplication.

"Clara, my Super Woman, who'd have thought when you saved me so many years ago that the next part of our journey would start here? Not in Smallville, but the splendour of Metropolis. Since the day you revealed all of yourself to me, I have tried to think of a way to repay your years of friendship, of loyalty, and of incalculable kindness. I've come to realise, that there is nothing I can do, nothing but to offer you the only thing I have that truly matters."

Lex took her left hand and bent on one knee; he reached into a pocket and pulled out a blue box. He flicked it open to reveal a sparking ring.

"Clara Jessica Kent, Kala-El of Krypton, I have loved you since the moment you breathed life into me, since that day I have belonged to you. Will you do me the great honour, of making me an honest man? Will you ma.."

Clara heard a screeching sound and suddenly she was flying away from Lex, away from Metropolis, she was in the sky of Smallville...

Clara woke to find herself hovering over her bed, the alarm blaring, and then suddenly she was falling and landed on it, causing the mattress to give way with an almighty squeak.

Floating again, that was interesting. That had been a very surreal dream, but at the same time, Clara felt very sorry Lex hadn't finished his sentence.

Speaking of Lex, what day was it? A thrill went through Clara as she scrabbled for her clock, turning off the alarm and checking the date, Sunday 19th October, it was her Comic Book day with Lex!

Maybe that's why she'd had such a strange dream, she'd been reading Warrior Angel before going to bed, had she been wearing the Warrior Angel costume in the dream? She thought she remembered a cape...

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