First time

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*smutty chapter*

Harry and Louis laid there in the dark. Harry had tears falling from his face while Louis held him tight. They laid chest to chest while Harry cried into Louis' shirt, gripping it like he never wanted to let go. The night was quiet. 

Louis knew Harry was going to have a hard time. He did love Harry, but right now he needed to let him go. He needed to set him free and let him be himself and not hold in back in his own closet. 

They laid there for who knows how long. Harry just wanted to be close to Louis and never let him go. Harry needed him to feel the love they once shared. Harry thought back to their first time together. It had been so perfect. He could not have asked for a better first time with Louis. Him and Louis both lost their virginity that night to each other and neither of them had regretted it. Harry wondered how Louis felt now. Now that he was leaving him. Did he regret it now that he lost it to someone he thought he would share his life with and now they wouldn't be? Did Louis even care anymore?

" Louis," Harry whispered. 

" Yeah, Haz." Louis whispered back. 

" Do you regret it now? Do you regret our first time now that you are leaving me?" Harry asked. Louis pulled him in. He could never regret that moment with Harry. He would never forget how amazing it was and how they bodies fit together like puzzle pieces meant to go together. 

" No Harry. I will never regret it." Louis stated holding the boy tighter. They both laid there in silence as they both thought about their first time together. 

Harry and Louis had been secretly dating for the last several months. Touring together had been a blast and now they were on holiday. It was spring time and getting warmer outside thankfully. The boys had worked hard these last few weeks and Harry decided they needed a little staycation. They were back in London and Harry decided to treat Louis to a couples day. Just the two of them. If people saw them, they would just think it was two friends hanging out. 

Harry had made them breakfast and then they decided to go shopping in town. They spent several hours laughing, trying on some crazy outfits with Harry actually buying a few colorful ones that Louis convinced him looked great one him. Harry had always loved colorful clothing. 

When they were done shopping, they grabbed an early dinner at a little place that was a hidden gem. It wasn't busy so they could be more relaxed there. They sat in a corner booth, away from prying eyes and just talked. Enjoying the presence of one another. Louis felt Harry place his hand on his thigh and Louis blushed. Harry loved this man more than anything and he knew Louis was his soulmate. 

After they finished dinner Harry told Louis he had a surprise for him. The day before, Harry had set up a plan and actually reserved a room for the next two nights for them at the Hilton London Hyde Park. Harry knew it was a smaller hotel, but he was hoping people would not really notice them since it wasn't a larger one. Harry just wanted to have a couple of days and nights alone with Louis away from everything. 

He walked with Louis till they were about two blocks from the hotel. Then he stopped Louis and told him. " I want you to take this room key and go up to our room. It's on the top level and it is room 28. I will follow, but a few minutes behind so no one sees us enter together." Harry handed him the key and Louis took it and walked off. Harry watched him turn the corner and disappear from sight. Harry waited 5 minutes and then he followed the way Louis went. 

Getting into the hotel and up to his room without being noticed was a breeze. Harry was thankful he choose that hotel right then. He had hardly seen anyone in the lobby and no one joined him in the elevator. 

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