First Kiss Memories

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Both boys sat there for a few moments in silence. Harry thinking back. Thinking about how he wanted to kiss Louis back in that dressing room and wishing he had just gone for it now. However, had he gone for it then they would not have had their first kiss when and where they did. Harry knew that their first kiss had been special and perfect in that moment. Harry knew there was a deeper reason him and Louis didn't kiss for the first time back in that dressing room. 

" Lou?" Harry said quietly.

Louis looked over at him. Harry wondered if maybe they were thinking about the same thing. Their first kiss. 

" Yeah Harry?" Lou asked solemnly. 

" I... Do you ever think about... um.. our first kiss?" Harry asked, not knowing if he should bring it up. He wanted Louis to remember what they had though, so he needed them to remember it together. 

" Yeah Harry, I don't think I will ever forget our first kiss. The moments that led up to it. The trip we were on. All of it was perfect for our first kiss really and I don't think any other first kiss would ever compared to it." Louis chimed in. Looking over to Harry, their eyes met. If they could go back in time and relive their first kiss both would do so in a heartbeat. 

The Rogue Eskimos, along with their opening act Harry and Niall have been touring for 3 months now together. They have had the time of their lives. The boys have become close friends and really enjoy hanging out during their free time. They spend a lot of their time in each others hotel rooms, watching movies, drinking Red Bulls and eating their favorite snacks. Other times, they go out as a group and sightsee wherever they are staying if they can. They have to be careful though since sometimes their fans tend to hang around the hotels hoping to see them. 

This time they were in South America, and had performed at the Jeunesse Arena in Brazil last night. It had been another amazing night and they all left the arena on a happy high, but crashed as soon as they got back to the hotel. 

They decided as a group since none of them had even been to Brazil and they had a few days off before they needed to head to their next location, they would stay a few extra days and spend some time sight seeing and enjoy the culture around them. 

Harry and Louis had both increased their flirting with one another when no one else was around. Little touches here and there, winking at each other when they caught the other one staring, playful comments. That was it though. Neither of the boys had taken it any farther than that.  Yet. 

The boys were staying in the Copacabana Palace. They had the one hallway just for them, while the rest of the bandmates and management were on the opposite hallway. 

It was lunchtime and the boy were sitting in Harry's room eating room service, deciding what they wanted to go do first. 

" I would love to go visit the Cristo Redentor." Liam stated. 

" Yes! Can we do that?" Zayn asked. 

" I am up for anything as long as I get food!" Niall said laughing. 

" You are literally eating right now. Do you really need food wherever we go?" Harry asked, laughing and rolling his eyes at his best friend. 

" Food makes everything better. So yes, more food!" Niall said as he shoved more food into his mouth. 

Louis laughed, " Well, I am pretty much up for anything. I do know tomorrow we planned to visit the beach to do some surfing and then do some shopping later in the evening." 

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