Dinner for two

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*small amount of smut in this chapter*

Harry ordered their Nandos and around 35 minutes later they were eating together at the kitchen table. Both were lost in their own thoughts at the moment. 

" You know, Niall would be pretty mad at us if he finds out we ate Nandos without him." Louis chuckled. Harry sat quiet for a moment. 

" Yeah, he would be mad. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Harry said sadly. Louis looked over at Harry. He needed Harry to change his mood or he was not going to be able to last much longer here. 

" Hey Harry, do you remember the night you and I tried to make pasta from scratch? Oh my gosh, we made such a mess." Louis said, hoping it would spark a memory in Harry and make him smile. Harry thought for a moment. He did remember that day and how good the, um, pasta was. Yeah the pasta... 

"Louis, I am bored!!!" Harry whined. They were stuck inside due to a storm outside. It had been raining all day long and it did not seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. 

" Well Harry, what can we do? We have watched the telly and played a board game. What do you suggest we do?" Louis asked, looking over to Harry. 

Harry thought for a moment. He wanted something the two of them could do together and both enjoy it. I mean the obvious answer was sex, but that could wait till later. Oh, suddenly he had a great idea. 

" Lets make pasta from scratch!" Harry said excited. Harry got up and went to the kitchen. He checked to make sure he had everything he needed and sure enough he did! Harry loved cooking when he had the chance. It was something he was taught at a young age and he had always had a passion on the side for it. 

Louis walked into the kitchen. " Really Harry? Pasta? You know I can't cook well." He groaned. 

" That's why I am going to teach you! Now I have everything we need right here. We can even make homemade noodles." Harry was excited now that he found something to do to keep them busy. 

" Well, what can I do first?" Louis asked, looking at everything that was laid out on the counter. 

" First, we need to make the sauce so it can be cooking. Then we will work on the actual pasta part. This will be great! Then we can eat pasta for dinner this evening." Harry was excited and Louis decided he was going to let him have this moment. 

" Okay, I need you to get a bowl with some water and ice in it. We are going to give the tomatoes an ice bath to get the skins off before we cook them." Harry said looking at Louis. 

Louis knew Harry loved to cook, but who ever heard of taking the skins off tomatoes? Louis just did what he was told. Harry told him to let the tomatoes sit for about one minute each and then the skins should peel off easily. Louis was surprised at how well the skins did come off. Once that was done, Harry then explained they needed to cut each tomato open and scrap out the seeds. Louis thought this could be fun. 

Scraping out some seeds, Louis went to fling the seeds into the trash when he slipped and they actually flew all over Harry's shirt. 

" Oops..." Louis said. It really was an accident. 

Harry looked over at Louis. " What the heck Louis? I like this shirt." He stated, taking his shirt off and rinsing it out over the sink. Louis looked at Harry. Oh, he could just reach over and touch... No, he needed to focus on the task at hand. 

Suddenly. Louis felt something cold and slimy on his face. He reached up to touch it. Pulling his hand back his noticed tomato seeds on him. He looked up at Harry. Harry was smirking at him. It was intentional. 

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