First Tattoos

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Harry was looking at their matching tattoos on their wrist when he couldn't control himself anymore. He reached across and grabbed Louis' wrist and rubbed his thumb along the rope. Louis let him. Harry was beyond sad. They had gotten a few matching tattoos over the years, but this one meant the most. The rope and the anchor. They had instantly agreed on these tattoos when they came across them. 

" Lou, what are we going to do? I am never going to get over you. Plus, I will have a reminder of you always with me with this tattoo." Harry said, tears forming once again in his eyes. He did not even want to look at Louis because he knew if he did, he would break even more. 

Louis placed his hand on top of Harry's hand holding his wrist. " Harry, I will always love you. I am never going to not love you, but right now, it just isn't good for me. I will also always see this tattoo and remember what we had, remember that you were my anchor and I will hold onto that." Louis stated calmly. 

Harry knew he was being selfish, but he loved Louis. He just wanted him to come out with him so they could live happily ever after. He didn't understand why after two years Louis still didn't want the same thing. 

" Hey Haz, do you regret getting these tattoos now?" Louis asked. 

" No and I never will. It is just going to be hard knowing my other half isn't with me anymore like I want him to be." Harry stated, choosing that moment too look up, right into his favorite pair of blue eyes. 

" I am glad we got them though. I will always remember that night. I had always swore I would never get a tattoo, let alone a matching tattoo with anyone and yet somehow, here we are with 3 actual matching tattoos." Louis laughed, then looked at his arm. 

Harry wanted to touch them all. He wanted to rub his thumb across every tattoo that matched his. The anchor and the rope. The horseshoe and the missing nails. Lastly, the rose and the dagger. Soon, they would all be missing their other half. 

Harry remembered the night of their first tattoo well. He had finally convinced Louis to get a matching tattoo and he found out a little something about himself that night he never knew till then either. 

It was November and it was cold. The British Rogue, Harry and Niall were all in London together on a mini break. They had a week off before The British Rogue was headed to Italy to perform. Niall and Harry would be staying back this time and performing in a few places around London. They wanted to keep it pretty light since it was getting closer to the holidays. 

Harry and Louis knew they would be apart for a couple of weeks, but also knew they would be back together in time for Louis' birthday and Christmas! Harry was excited about spending the holiday with Louis. No one knew they were together yet. They were still keeping it to themselves as much as they could for Louis' sake. He still wasn't ready and Harry was trying to be supportive of him. 

Right now, Harry was over at Louis flat. Louis was watching football and Harry noticed David Beckham on the telly. 

" Harry? What do you think of David Beckham?" Louis asked, looking over at Harry. 

" I mean, he is okay. Not my type though, but the tattoos, they are hot as fuck." Harry stated, keeping his eyes on the telly. 

" Wait, you think tattoos are hot? I have never wanted to get one. I always thought they would be a mistake or something you would regret later in life." Louis said. 

" Well, I mean I guess you could always regret one, but that is why I haven't actually gotten one yet. I want it to mean something to me. I want it to be something I will always be okay with on my body. I don't think I could ever go to the lengths David Beckham as with as many as he has, but a few wouldn't hurt." Harry said looking to Louis. 

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