Same Argument

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Harry could feel the sunlight pouring in the window. He didn't want to open his eyes. He was still tired from crying last night and didn't even want to get out of bed. He would be happy staying here all day if he could, under the covers. 

Slowly, he opened his eyes. Looking around his room, eyes landing on a picture of him and Louis backstage at one of the first concerts that him and Niall opened for The Rogue Eskimos. They both looked so happy. 

Harry closed his eyes, not wanting anymore tears to fall. He just didn't understand why things were so hard now. All he wanted was to come out to the world about his sexuality and he wanted Louis to do the same so they could finally be together in public. Louis wanted no part in that still. 

Was he ashamed of Harry? Was he ashamed of his sexuality? Was he scared that he would be judged? Harry didn't know because Louis would never talk about it. He would just tell Harry he wasn't ready and leave it at that. Harry was frustrated. He knew he loved Louis and wanted to share a life with him. He wasn't sure Louis felt the same though. 

Harry needed something to distract him. He couldn't lay in bed and cry anymore. He knew Louis would come around and they would make up like they always did. They have had this argument several times and it always ended with both of them saying they were sorry and then Harry agreeing to keep quiet. Harry just wasn't sure he wanted to keep quiet anymore. Sure he could come out, but he knew Louis would worry about fans linking them together. 

Ever since they opened for The Rogue Eskimos, Harry and Niall became really good friends with them. Now that Harry and Niall were on their own tour they had made sure to line up their dates and places with The Rogue Eskimos so they could all still hang out together. So far, it had worked well for both groups. Especially since Harry and Louis were secretly dating and they could spend time together this way. Louis was always worried though about fans figuring them out, or management finding out about them. 

Right now both groups were on a month long break. They were back in London and Harry was at his flat. He loved his flat, but he loved it more when he woke up next to Louis. 

Sighing, Harry got up to go the bathroom and make some breakfast. He wasn't sure what the day was going to hold, but he knew by the end of it him and Louis would be back in each others arms, cuddling on the couch. 

Around lunchtime, Harry heard a knock at the door. He frown. If it had been Louis he would have just walked in. He wasn't expecting anyone else. Walking over, he opened the door. 

" Louis?" Harry asked, confused.  Louis stood there wearing black skinny jeans, a red loose fitted t-shirt and his black vans. Harry loved when Louis wore red, it made his eyes pop even more. 

" Hey Harry. " Louis said. Harry could tell he had been crying, probably still upset from last night too.  Still confused though as to why Louis knocked instead of using his key like normal. 

" Come in. Why didn't you use your key?" Harry asked Louis. 

" Well, I didn't know if I should after last night." Louis stated. Looking up at Harry, blue eyes met green eyes. Harry felt like something was off. Usually Louis was quick to say he was sorry and Harry usually followed quickly behind him to say sorry as well. Harry thought maybe he didn't come to apologize. 

After a few moments, Harry decided maybe he should speak first. 

" Louis, look I am sorry..." Harry started, but before he could continue Louis held his hand up and stopped him. 

" Harry, stop. I know we are both sorry, but I can't do this anymore." Louis said as he looked down. 

Harry froze. Surely he does not mean what he thinks he means. No.

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