Chapter 10: Mim's Voyage

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The sound of 3 horses and a badly repaired carriage harmonized with the wind and the screaming humans in the distance. Their cheers and concerns, reverberating like a conflicted symphony through the temple's brand new second skylight.

Gizzy stared up into the sun, gazing on its cleansing brightness and realizing it was a glorious as she remembered and trying not to feel jealous at it's power compared to their shitty red star back home.

"How's the eye?" Izleena asked her.

"Good, almost back to normal. In fact, it's so well healed; I can see the spy following us." She yawned. Izleena turned and looked for horses and men with spears. Nothing but grass and dust.

"There's nothing back there." She insisted.

"You're looking too high, closer to the ground." She whispered.

"I'm so confused." Izleena muttered as Gizzy stopped the horses and drew a bow, turning and planting an arrow in the high grass, drawing a second and aiming slightly higher.

"Okay, please don't shoot!" said a nasally voice from the nothing. A hint of poised accent, twist of breathy confidence, and lack of general fear. Izleena blinked, her eyes darting around as if losing her mind.

"Am I missing something?" Izleena asked.

"Out of the grass." Gizzy yelled. "No sudden movements and no slouching."

A fairly large cat, or perhaps a very small large-cat, slowly crept from the brush.

"Talking cats. That's fantastic." Izleena sighed, tossing her hands up. "It gets weirder by the day."

"Identification, allegiance, and intentions, Felix." Gizzy ordered.

"My name is Mim, firstly, and my allegiance is most likely yours. My intentions are up for negotiations or a hire." He smirked.

"I don't like games that don't involve stripping, drinking or gambling, kitty." She pried.

"I'm Artemis' cat. Or at least I was until recently. I should add that this is not my ideal choice and the fact that you killed her, makes us almost friends."

"No it doesn't."

"It can be." Mim said, circling carefully. "You seem to know very little about this land and the gods. You could use allies, especially other scorned gods."

"And you can lead us to them?" Izleena asked.

"I am one. I was a god before I was a cat, things happen and it's unfortunate, but here we are and here is the fate of us all." It sighed sadly.

"Artemis did have a crazy cat-lady vibe" Gizzy muttered.

"So what are you the god of? ...cats?" Izleena asked.

"She must be very formidable in the bed chambers. She's clearly not pulling her weight mentally or elsewhere." Mim smirked.

"You wanna keep insulting my wife or do you wanna start making sense and staying alive?" Gizzy asked.

"My Apologies. Mimir, god of knowledge, lord of the archives and reader of books. What I lack in physicality, I make up for in intelligence and facts, much the opposite of you two. Thankfully, those who would see me dead, appear to be very dead themselves as of recent, and the ones responsible for my opportunity are conveniently, ignorant fools, lost and amiss." He explained.

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